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Friday, July 1, 2016

You're Home!

You're Home!
Henry: "You're Home!"

You're Home!
Henry: "We missed you!"

You're Home!
Zachary: "Where have you been?"

Dog Blog Post #2196

The boys, Breaking the Rules by having their paws up on the sofa.

They can be ON the sofa or they can be OFF the sofa, but rearing up like this is decreed to be The Wrong Way to get attention.

Of course, since this was Sons first visit home in a few weeks, I cut them all a bit of slack.

Taken with my iPhone, as that's what I had on me at the time.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1705. "Breaking the Rules"

Our Daily Challenge - July 1, 2016 - "The Wrong Way"

Pant pant pant
Henry: (pant pant pant)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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