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Saturday, August 27, 2016

Catching Up

The challenges didn't really work for me today, so I took a few (expensive camera) happy-snappy shots...

Mr. Henry
Melancholy Mr. Henry?

Mr. Henry
Henry Paw

Mr. Henry
Henry's squish face

Mr. Henry
Mr. Henry

... and spent the rest of my time processing a stack of images taken during the Olympics but never dealt with.

Dog Blog Post #2248

You'll find a few at the bottom of this post, and hopefully at the bottom of the next few day's posts.

Since I can only post three images a day to the "366 Pictures in 2016" group, I'll be "releasing" two backlogged shots a day - plus whatever the day's picture is - until I get caught up.

August 13

A Boy and his Dog
A Boy and his Dog (Zachary... I think)

A happy-snappy iPhone shot as they watched the Olympics on the TV.

Whoever said "dog's don't like hugs" never met my dogs!

August 18

Midas Paw
King Zachary and the Midas Paw

This was actually taken for a challenge (Starts with M) but I didn't get it uploaded in time to use it.

(I typically had enough time to get the pictures before the evening coverage started, but not enough to also process the shots.)

While Henry absolutely refused to put his paw anywhere near the cups, Zachary would at least "hover" near it for me. Close enough. Click!

... and yes, Solo Cups actually does make gold cups. These were picked up one year around Christmas time. I rinsed a few out after usage and saved them in the Miscellaneous Prop Box.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

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