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Monday, August 22, 2016

Complementary Colors

Complementary Colors
Zachary (thinking) : "This is much more like it."

Complementary Colors
Henry (thinking) : "I sure hope I get Cookies for this outfit, too."

Complementary Colors
Henry (still thinking) : "Well?"

Yes, Henry, you'll get Cookies - the really REALLY good Cookies - for today's Easy Outfit, too.

Dog Blog Post #2243

Blue and Orange - a pair of colors I rarely use singularly, let alone together.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1757. "Spin The Color Wheel"

Our Daily Challenge - Aug 22, 2016 - "Complementary Colors"

The backdrop is a sheer, red tag fabric (50% off) purchased specifically to broaden my color options. I draped it over my usual black velvet backdrop else you would be able see right through it.

The blue drape is a relatively new end-of-bolt (50% off) purchase that I wish was longer as it's gorgeous. I was thinking I could make it into a deep V-collar, but, as usual, I can't bring myself to cut it.

The boys seem to approve, but then just about anything would be an improvement over yesterday's outfit. :)

Complementary Colors
Henry... thinking deep thoughts?

Complementary Colors
Zachary: "He he he... don't bet on it."

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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