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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

In The Bag

In The Bag
Zachary: "Can we eat them?"
Henry: (whimper)

Not yet.

In The Bag

In The Bag
Henry: "Now?"

Not yet... and you do realize you only get a few Cookies each, right?

Not a whole bag.

In The Bag

Dog Blog Post #2279

Because you can never have too many bags of Cookies.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - September 28, 2016 - "Brands and Logos"

Daily Dog Challenge 1793. 1794. "Arrange(d)"

In The Bag
Zachary (whispering) : "You distract her, and I'll bury the bags out in the yard."

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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