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Sunday, October 30, 2016

This and That

When a Movie, the Day Spa, and Football collide...


Big Yawn
Sleepy Henry

Here's Henry, giving a sky scraper of a yawn :)

Yes, this is a huge stretch (pardon the pun) - but I loved the image.

Still playing with the iPhone's reverse camera. Why have I never tried this before?

The fact Henry was moving while yawning gives this low-light shot its softness.

Our Daily Challenge - October 30, 2016 - "Sky Scrapers"

Daily Dog Challenge 1826. "Tall"


You and Me
Sweet Henry (and me)

Tried out the iPhone's reverse camera - possibly for the first time.


Henry loves attention, and would happily lay here all day long, soaking up the snuggles and cuddles.

Our Daily Challenge - October 29, 2016 - "Self Portrait"

Daily Dog Challenge 1825. "Just The Two of Us"


Big Nose
Zachary's Giant Sniffer

Given a...

Our Daily Challenge - October 28, 2016 - "Day Off"

... you know the iPhone is going to come out.

Here, it turns its tiny eye to Zachary's...

Daily Dog Challenge 1828. "Monster"

... nose.

Dog Blog Post #2302

The Raiders seem to be trying their very hardest to lose, yet Carr (QB) somehow manages to find a way to get them to a win in the end.

I'm growing grayer by the week.

Niners had a buy week, so they didn't have the opportunity to lose.


Photography Assignment

(See below each image, above)

You and Me
Hi Henry

Fur Breaking
Henry's curls

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Thursday, October 27, 2016


What did you decide on?

The Boys
"You'll see."

Zachary: "Count Dogula!"
Henry: "I'm a Bird Dog!"

Works for me.

Dog Blog Post #2301

Ah yes, the masquerade ball.

A sure sign that Halloween is approaching.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - October 27, 2016 - "Let's Dance"

Daily Dog Challenge 1823. "Signs of the Season"

"See you there!"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Wild Egg McMuffins

The Shoot

Wild Egg McMuffin
(sniff sniff sniff)

Wild Egg McMuffin
Zachary: "Ah, yes. The Wild Egg McMuffin..."

Wild Egg McMuffin
Zachary: "... freshly molted from its paper wrapping."

Wild Egg McMuffin
"Can we eat them?"


Give me just a minute.

Wild Egg McMuffin

Wild Egg McMuffin


Dog Blog Post #2300

Ah yes... the Wild Egg McMuffin.

The boys are always so excited when we manage to hunt a pair down and bring them home.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - October 26, 2016 - "Food and Drink"

Daily Dog Challenge 1822. "More Than One"

Viewer Discretion is Advised...

And yes, the boys got to enjoy their treat.

Wild Egg McMuffin

Wild Egg McMuffin
(snarf snarf)

Wild Egg McMuffin

Oh, Zachary!

Now you know why I usually break his treats up into pieces.

The observant will notice a little Cookie on the boys' napkins. As idiotic as it sounds, in order to get the boys to look at the Egg McMuffins, I had to hide a Cookie behind them.

Wild Egg McMuffin
(lick nibble nibble)

The Aftermath

No! You do not get another!

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

New Outfit?

New Outfit?
(thoughtful silence)

Oh, getting ready to do some sewing, I see.

Are you making that cute version with the fringe and wings?

New Outfit?


Dog Blog Post #2299

Looks like the boys are Getting Ready to do a bit of sewing.


Apparently, this pattern piece was a bit small. So they copied it onto tracing paper, cut it in strategic places, inserted extra paper to make it a few inches bigger, and then taped it back together to Make It Whole.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - October 25, 2016 - "Getting Ready"

Daily Dog Challenge 1821. "Make It Whole"

New Outfit?
Zachary: "Not a chance."
Henry: "Funny Momma."

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Monday, October 24, 2016

First Place

First Place
Henry: (sniff sniff sniff)

What's that?

First Place
Zachary: "First Place Trophy!"
Henry: "We're going to eat it."

No no no... you can't eat it!

First Place

You need to save it, and put on a shelf, and...

First Place
Zachary (mumbling) : "Mothers."
Henry: "Pfththththth"

Dog Blog Post #2298

Wow... looks like the boys won a 1st Place trophy!

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1820. "Metal"

Our Daily Challenge - October 24, 2016 - "Nail(s) or Screw(s)"

Truth in Advertising: Yes, I raided Son's Boy Scout stuff once again.

This is his 1st place Boneyard Wars trophy.

Multiple patrols competing to light fires, make catapults, and do other scout skills stuff. I think.

I know they had a great time!

First Place
Zachary: "She can't keep her eye on it forever."
Henry: (sniff sniff sniff)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Friday, October 21, 2016


Henry as Tigger

Henry: "I am NOT a cat!"

Uh oh.

Henry: (pout)

Dog Blog Post #2297

What's not to love about a dog in a Tigger hat?

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1817. "Orange"

Our Daily Challenge - October 21, 2016 - "Warm Colors"

Is it just me, or does Henry rock the Tigger baseball cap when worn this way?

Another Model Heard From

Mr. Zachary

Poor Zachary. He's trying so hard to look dignified...

Zachary: "He he he"

... or not.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Squishy Face

Squishy Face
Henry: "Zzzzzzz"

This is Henry, sleeping beside me on the Big Bed as the Packers were finally getting their act together to beat the Bears.

Not that I cared, one way or the other.

Which made the game much less interesting but way more enjoyable.

Henry's nestled amongst the blankets with his head on my lap, dozing away without a care in the world.

Which is one of the many wonderful things about dogs - fewer cares, more sleeping.

I think the world would be a lot happier if we all tried to do the same.

Dog Blog Post #2296

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1816. "Because..."

Our Daily Challenge - October 20, 2016 - "My Favorite Things"

Just look at that adorable squishy face!

I didn't really do that much to the image - brightened it a bit, tried to overcome some of the iPhone graininess, and toned down the yellow/magenta a touch.


This is Zachary's "Treat Spot" - there to remind me where the Cookie is supposed to go.

Treat Spot
Zachary: (pant pant pant)

Henry has one in just about the same place.


Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

So much for watching the game.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


Henry: "Roar!"

(pant pant pant)

Fearsome Faces!

(nibble nibble)

(whisper whisper)

Hmm... that can't be good.

Best keep an eye on the Cookie Jars.

Dog Blog Post #2295

I decided to clear off the kitchen table before today's shoot. Too much football and not enough house cleaning had left it a bit... cluttered.

It was while I was bustling about - putting away the Odd Prop Box (full sun glasses and bow ties and such), Cousin Itt's green bowler hat, and a big box of Cookies that had just arrived - that I heard the distinctive sound of claws upon the family room wall.

The boys, misinterpreting my activity for Getting Ready For The Shoot, were now deep the midst of a rousing game of Bitey-Face.

And of course, the Good Camera was in the other room.

So I grabbed my ever trusty (and, more importantly, ever handy) iPhone and captured 24 mostly blurry, rather yellow, and definitely grainy pictures before the fun came to an end.

Keep in mind this is an iPhone, and these pictures aren't cropped, which means I'm hovering 2-3 feet overhead like some sort of crazed paparazzi.

Or is that puparazzi?

Photography Assignment

I was actually going to do shoot with Zachary in glasses and his knitted tam, staring at the pointy end of a pair of knitting needles, for...

Daily Dog Challenge 1815. "Details"

Our Daily Challenge - October 19, 2016 - "Pointy"

... but opted for the shot below.

I'm afraid that's as pointy as it's going to get. Adult dog teeth are surprisingly NON-pointy - at least compared to cats.

The Better To Eat You With
Grinnin' Henry

This was the very last shot, taken of a Happy Henry after a well-played game with his best friend.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Fur Rug?

Fur Rug?
Fur Rug...

Fur Rug?
... or Zachary taking a nap

I have no idea why he finds this "frog" position comfortable, but he does.

Dog Blog Post #2294

The boys decided to Take A Break from modeling, after yesterday's somewhat questionable shoot, and just be a Floor Covering (aka Dog) today.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1814. "Take A Break"

Our Daily Challenge - October 18, 2016 - "Floor Covering"

Fur Rug?
Henry offering moral support

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Monday, October 17, 2016

Fur and Lace

Terse Tuesday?

Fur and Lace
The softer side of Henry...

Fur and Lace
... and Zachary

Fur and Lace
Henry, making sure I have Cookies

Fur and Lace
Zachary, doing the same

Dog Blog Post #2293

The softer side of the boys.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - October 16, 2016 - "Lace or Lacy"

Daily Dog Challenge 1812. 1813. "Delicate"

Fur and Lace
The Sphinx... in Lace

Fur and Lace
Zachary, trying to look manly

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved