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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Wild Egg McMuffins

The Shoot

Wild Egg McMuffin
(sniff sniff sniff)

Wild Egg McMuffin
Zachary: "Ah, yes. The Wild Egg McMuffin..."

Wild Egg McMuffin
Zachary: "... freshly molted from its paper wrapping."

Wild Egg McMuffin
"Can we eat them?"


Give me just a minute.

Wild Egg McMuffin

Wild Egg McMuffin


Dog Blog Post #2300

Ah yes... the Wild Egg McMuffin.

The boys are always so excited when we manage to hunt a pair down and bring them home.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - October 26, 2016 - "Food and Drink"

Daily Dog Challenge 1822. "More Than One"

Viewer Discretion is Advised...

And yes, the boys got to enjoy their treat.

Wild Egg McMuffin

Wild Egg McMuffin
(snarf snarf)

Wild Egg McMuffin

Oh, Zachary!

Now you know why I usually break his treats up into pieces.

The observant will notice a little Cookie on the boys' napkins. As idiotic as it sounds, in order to get the boys to look at the Egg McMuffins, I had to hide a Cookie behind them.

Wild Egg McMuffin
(lick nibble nibble)

The Aftermath

No! You do not get another!

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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