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Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas
Henry: "Ho Ho Ho"

Dog Blog Post #2323

What's not to love about a dog in a Santa hat?

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - December 25, 2016 - "Light Sanctuary Peace"

Taken with a new lens to capture the light from a dog a peace on his sofa sanctuary.

Daily Dog Challenge 1882. "Celebrate"

Certainly something to celebrate.

Editor's Note: Yes, I'm woefully behind. Hopefully, with the Holidays in the rear view mirror, things will quiet down and get back to normal.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Sunday, December 18, 2016



Dog Blog Post #2322

Henry's fluffy curl.

The Holidays have a way of wrecking havoc on our daily habits, doesn't it?

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - December 18, 2016 - "Edward Weston"

Daily Dog Challenge 1874. "Crisp"

... as my iPhone is going to get in this lighting.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Saturday, December 10, 2016

A Rare Sighting

Still playing catch-up...

Striped Golden Caribou
The Rare Striped Golden Caribou

Good News!

It seems the striped Golden Caribou isn't mythical after all!

Our Daily Challenge - December 6, 2016 - "Good News"

Daily Dog Challenge 1863. 12/6 "Stripes"

Striped Golden Caribou

Striped Golden Caribou

Striped Golden Caribou

Sunrise over Zachary's muzzle?

Or not.

Our Daily Challenge - December 7, 2016 - "Maximalism"

Daily Dog Challenge 1864. "Go Big or Go Home"

Dog Blog Post #2321

Sleepy Puppy
Sleepy Henry

Henry's eye...

Daily Dog Challenge 1862. 12/5 "In The Center"

... of the image.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Friday, December 9, 2016

Best Dressed Dog

Best Dressed Dog
Mr. Henry

Dog Blog Post #2320

What all the best dressed Dogs will be wearing this season, or so I've been told.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - December 8, 2016 - "Fashion"

Daily Dog Challenge 1865. "All Dressed Up"

My backlog of projects has gotten out of control.

It seems I have time to either take pictures, processes pictures, or work on a project.

Pick no more than two.

Sooooo... Here's Henry, showing off his latest collar that I FINALLY completed at 10:30pm tonight.

Taken with my iPhone. Processed with my home-grown "make an iPhone picture not look horrible" preset.

Alas, I see I have four days of taken but not processed or posted photos sitting here in Lightroom. The number of started but not yet completed projects is too daunting to count. Good thing New Years is almost here, so I can resolve to finish everything and then promptly break it.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Saturday, December 3, 2016


Football, yard work, Christmas Lights, a couple Christmas Props under construction for the boys...

Oh yes, and the occasional picture or two.


Peek-a-boo Henry!

Sequined Beauty
Sequined Beauty

Sequined Beauty
Sparkly Henry

Alas, my sequined remnant is only about a foot wide.

I might have to splurge one of these days and buy a usable length.

Our Daily Challenge - December 3, 2016 - "Bokeh"

Daily Dog Challenge 1860. "Beautiful and Artistic"

Cropped from top shot and saturated a bit


Folliow the Arrow
This way to Zachary?

Folliow the Arrow
What was I thinking?

Folliow the Arrow
Henry, unimpressed

Folliow the Arrow
Seriously unimpressed

Our Daily Challenge - December 2, 2016 - "Follow the Arrow"

Daily Dog Challenge 1859. "Symbol"


Near and Far
Watching Football with near dog and far

Near and Far
I guess they were underwhelmed by the game

Our Daily Challenge - November 29, 2016 - "Juxtaposition"

Daily Dog Challenge 1858. "Contrast"


Fall Colors
Zachary and leaves

Fall Colors
Leaves and Zachary

Easy "Plan B" shot, as "Plan A" - which required me painstakingly taping silk leaves to a backdrop - was uninspiring.

Our Daily Challenge - November 29, 2016 - "Minimalism"

Daily Dog Challenge 1857. "November Colors"

Plan A

Fall Colors

Fall Colors
... paws...

Fall Colors
... and leaf.

Dog Blog Post #2319


Photography Assignment

See above.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved