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Thursday, January 19, 2017


Mr. Zachary
Mr. Zachary

Mr. Zachary
Here's looking at you, Kid

Zachary will turn nine in March.

Although he may look distinguished on the outside, he's still just a Goofy Golden on the inside.

Mr. Henry
The Kid...

Mr. Henry
... doing what he does best.

Henry doesn't even pretend to be a grown up.

Dog Blog Post #2342

Yes, my dogs match my blankets.

They also blend quite well with the hardwood floors, the carpets, and the cabinets.

Makes it harder to see the dog hair that way.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1906. "Camouflage"

Our Daily Challenge - Jan 19, 2017 - "From Ground Level"

Anyone Seen Henry?
Do you see a tail?

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2017 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

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