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Sunday, January 29, 2017

Mr. Steady

Mr. Steady
Henry: (drum roll)

Hungry Henry
Henry - gulp!

Dog Blog Post #2351

Cookies, balancing on the Step, Edge, Ledge of Henry's very Straight muzzle.

This trick uses Henry's natural patience and steadiness to greatest advantage.

In fact, his limitations in balancing come down to the flatness of the Cookies used and my ability to make a stable stack.

While his skill in this is undisputed, I give him extra Brownie Points today as these are quite possibly his favorite Cookies*.

They are usually reserved as the boys' final reward when shoots are all over, since the Cookies are crumbly and bit greasy - not something I want on my hands when I'm fiddling with the camera.

However, they are square, generally flat, and I thought they would create a nice Straight or Narrow column.

Henry's posture isn't half-bad, either. :)

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Jan 29, 2017 - "Step, Edge, Ledge"

Daily Dog Challenge 1916. "Straight"

117 Pictures in 2017 - #74. Straight or Narrow

The Less Said The Better...

Zachary has many, many talents.

Happy Zachary
Zachary: "How hard can that be?"

Mr. Unsteady
Mr. Unsteady

Balancing Cookies on his nose isn't one of them.

(Look at the angle of his muzzle. Those Cookies didn't have a chance.)

* Blue Buffalo Trail Treats

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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