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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Quality Control

Quality Control
Zachary: "Hmm..."

Quality Control
Zachary: "This one's good."

Quality Control
Henry: "I concur."

Well, that's a relief.

Dog Blog Post #2347

The boys take their Lacrosse Balls VERY seriously.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1912. "Experiment"

Our Daily Challenge - Jan 25, 2017 - "Science"

100x - 9 : Quality Control

Quality Control
Henry was unimpressed with the shower cap


Was all snuggled under the blanket with a dog or two on the sofa. And while I can upload pictures to Flickr from there, trying to write a blog posting is... not really worth the effort. :)

Henry and Mousie
Henry and Mousie

Playing with a new (thank you, Hubby!) detachable lens for my iPhone.

Alas, I didn't quite get it on exactly straight, creating a bit of shadowing on one side, so you get a vertical crop.

Daily Dog Challenge 1911. "Pastel"

After yesterday's hand wringing about not being able to find anything of a "surprising color", what's the first thing I found in Henry's box of Puppy Toys?

Yup. A blue mouse.

117 Pictures in 2017: #11. "Childish Delights"

Our Daily Challenge - Jan 24, 2017 - "Lighter"

Certainly lighter than my typical black background shots!

7 Days of Photography: Imitations - Texture

Henry and Mousie
The above, with an artsy "oil painting" filter applied in PicArt on my iPad

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2017 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

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