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Monday, January 2, 2017

The Artist

The Artist
Henry the Artist...

The Artist
... wondering if the critics will like his latest work.

Dog Blog Post #2325

The artist sits beside his latest mural.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Jan 2, 2017 - "Painting or Painted"

Daily Dog Challenge 1890. "Colorful"

I fell in love with this fabric the first time I saw it, although I rarely get a chance to use it.

If it was lighter in weight, or sheer, I could see it being made up as a scarf. If it wasn't so slippery and shiny then possibly a shawl. As it is, I honestly can't image what you would make out of it.

Cheap Tip of the Day: This is two yards of uncut fabric (left to right) binder-clipped to a pair of trifold cardboard backboards, which are then rubber-banded at the sides to the kitchen cabinets behind them to keep them vertical. Placing a small tupperware bowl between the top of the backboard and the cabinet causes the backboard to tip toward the camera a few inches relative to the base, and eliminates the glare I would otherwise get from the flash hitting the shiny fabric.

The Artist
Zachary the Artist - admiring his work

The Artist
Artist Zachary looking proud

The Artist
Artist Zachary: "Oh yeah... I'm good."

Modest, too.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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1 comment:

  1. Excellent artwork boys.
    Reducing glare is always a challenge. You did a great job with this fabric.
