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Saturday, January 21, 2017

TV Spokesdogs?

I have no idea what the boys were thinking today.

The entire shoot looked just like this...

TV Spokesdogs?
"Thank you for your support."

... except the first shot (below).

Dog Blog Post #2344

Does anyone else think "Bartles and Jaymes" when they look at this?

Does anyone else REMEMBER Bartles and Jaymes 1980's commercials?

"Thank you for your support."

Oh dear, I'm dating myself.

Or maybe the American Gothic painting by Grant Wood. You know, the one with farm couple in front of the house and the man is holding a pitch fork?

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1908. "Unwanted"

117 Pictures in 2017 - #97. "Unwanted"

An empty bag.

Our Daily Challenge - Jan 20, 2017 - "Out with the old... In with the New"

The First Shot

Here's the first shot, snapped as a lighting check as I had my back to them and was walking over to check the flash.

Horror Story

I swear Zachary looks horrified the bag is empty and Henry appears to have fainted.

FWIW: Good thing I checked the lighting. It came out a bit dark for my tastes (the near-white bag throwing off the sensor) so I upped the lighting a bit for the rest of the shoot

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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1 comment:

  1. "Can we get back to sleeping now?"

    I haven't thought of Bartles and Jaymes in ages. They made good wine coolers!
