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Saturday, January 14, 2017

Windows to the Soul

Windows to the Soul
Zachary (thinking) : "Cookies."

Windows to the Soul
Zachary (thinking) : "Feed me Cookies."

Dog Blog Post #2336

I don't have any problems getting the boys to look into the lens, as they've been doing it - and being handsomely rewarded for it - for years.

While Henry's look is soft and melting, Zachary has a way of commanding your attention.

He firmly places his head on your lap and looks up at you with large, deep brown eyes and wags his tail in long, sweeping wags.

"Feed me Cookies", he says.

That look is unmistakable.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Jan 13, 2017 - "Staring Into The Camera"

Daily Dog Challenge 1900. "Jeepers Creepers, Those Peepers"

7 Days of Shooting - A Book Title - Focus: "A Mote in God's Eye" by Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle.

I read this book decades ago, during my Sci-Fi phase, most likely when I was somewhere between 7th and 10th grades. Honestly, I remember absolutely nothing about it except the title, which has stuck with me all these years. FWIW: I believe the book is well regarded. Who knows, maybe I'll read it again some time.

Soft and Sweet

I did have problems getting Henry to stay awake long enough to get a good shot.

Windows to the Soul
Henry: (blink)

Windows to the Soul
Henry: (blink)

Windows to the Soul
Henry: (blink)

He was warm and snuggly against me, and much more interested in snoozing than being a super model.

Windows to the Soul
Henry (thinking) : "Sleepy, Momma."

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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1 comment:

  1. Henry's last photo looks kind-of hopeful - can I please get another cookie before I go to sleep?
