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Saturday, February 11, 2017

Big Spider

Big Spider
Henry: "Momma!!!!"

Big Spider
Henry: "Ahhhhh!!!"

Big Spider
Zachary: "Henry, it's not real."

Dog Blog Post #2363

Henry was not at all happy at the Giant Spider climbing On Top Of the Cookie Jar!

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Feb 11, 2017 - "On Top Of"

Daily Dog Challenge 1929. "Over or Under"

117 Pictures in 2017 - #40. Over

2017 Weekly Alphabet Challenge - F is for Fright

Editor's Note: Still trying to figure out the best way to use the new white stretch velvet knit fabric. Today, I tried draping it over the black stretch velvet fabric, to obscure the cardboard backdrop, that would otherwise show through.

This is because I was too lazy to dig the white fleece out of the box.

This worked, sort of, although I had to up the highlight and whiteness quite a bit to get rid of the gray cast.

Looks like it's time to promote the white fleece to an easier to get to spot in the backdrop box.

On the bright side, I stood on the opposite side of the flash/umbrella this time and avoided casting the shadow that was the bane of my existence the first time I used this fabric.

Third time's the charm?

Big Spider
Henry (thinking) : "I knew that."

Later, in Zachary's Dreams...

Big Spider
Zachary: "Ahhhhh!!!!!"

The above is what happens when you and the autofocus disagree on the subject of the picture.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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