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Friday, February 24, 2017

Play Time

Playing Tug with Henry

Tug... Tug... Tug!

Dog Blog Post #2375

Henry LOVES playing tug.

Not Tug-of-War, as that would imply winners and losers.

No, Henry just wants to perform the act of tugging.

And he kinda needs you to help, as Zachary has Zero interest in the game.

Keep away, maybe, but definitely not tug.

Our first golden, Beau, also loved tug and I have no doubt that he and Henry would have had a blast playing together.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Feb 24, 2017 - "First Person Chores"

Daily Dog Challenge 1942. "The Things We Do For Love"

Don't get me wrong, I love seeing how happy playing tug makes the pup.

I just try really hard to NOT think about what his claws are doing to the hardwood floor.


Furry Abstract
Furry Bellies!

Furry Abstract
I believe that's Zachary on the right

Furry Abstract
Uh... no, I haven't the slightest idea who is where

Do I worry about their teeth?

No, they have no interest in grabbing my hand, and even if they did, by mistake, they don't close their jaws when playing like this so it wouldn't matter.

Their feet? Now that's a different story. They are more than happy to use my legs as something to push off from, and they push hard!

These are obviously all iPhone shots.

While my new 35mm lens has made my Nikon my go-to camera for happy-snappies these days, it is too cumbersome/heavy to hold one-handed for shots like these.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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