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Monday, February 6, 2017

Tick Tock

Tick Tock
Zachary: (tick)

Tick Tock
Henry: (tock)

Tick Tock
Henry: "Make it go faster, Momma."

Dog Blog Post #2358

Sorry, Guys.

Staring at the clock will not make Breakfast happen any faster.

Photography Assignment

117 Pictures in 2017 - #65. "Burn the Midnight Oil"

Our Daily Challenge - Feb 6, 2017 - "Texture"

Daily Dog Challenge 1924. "Furry Things"

Hard to find a bit that ISN'T furry.

7 Days of Shooting: Time - Macro Monday


Because you can never have too many pictures of your dogs having fun...

(wiggle squirm)

Fearsome Face!

(nibble nibble)

Must be a Dog Thing

Super Bowl Sunday

Super Bowl Enthusiasm?
Super Bowl Enthusiasm?

Must be Falcons Fans.

I think they were bummed Budweiser didn't have a Puppy Commercial this year.

Daily Dog Challenge 1923. "That Face"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2017 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

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