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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Mirror Mirror...

Mirror Mirror
Yes, Zachary, you are the fairest of them all

Mirror Mirror
Zachary: "Pfthfthfthfth..."

Dog Blog Post #2397

That second shot was just a setup shot, but I thought the tongue was cute.

FWIW: Those are the "photography cookies" (Zuke's Skinny Bakes) - selected specifically because they don't crumble (no specks to clone away), aren't greasy (slippery fingers and cameras don't mix), are lower in calories (so I can be generous) and the boys love them.

I go through a 12 oz bag per dog per week (approx.)

Figuring 6 "working" days a week, that's 2 oz. of Cookies per dog per shoot.


About half a Ramekin per dog.


Two extra (greasy, crumbly, larger) "after shoot" Cookies.

Not bad work if you can get it.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 29, 2017 - "Circles"

Daily Dog Challenge 1975. "Smoke and Mirrors"

No flash today, so this is a wider aperture, slower speed, higher ISO shot.

Mirror Mirror
Don't worry, Henry...

Mirror Mirror
... there's plenty of fairness to go around

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2017 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

School Days

School Days
Zachary: "... and be sure to pay attention..."

Dog Blog Post #2396

It seemed like a good idea at the time?

The boys are always a bit iffy when posed facing away from the camera.

They know where they are normally supposed to be relative to the lens in order to earn their Cookies, and it clearly bugs them to be "out of position".

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 27, 2017 - "U-Haul"

Daily Dog Challenge 1974. "Bright"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2017 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Monday, March 27, 2017

Catching Up

A Stitch In Time...

... makes you late uploading pictures.


Zachary and the Cult of the Lacrosse Ball

Noble Henry

The boys did their job.

Blame the photographer.

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 26, 2017 - "Symmetrical"

Daily Dog Challenge 1973. "Head-on"



... etc...

... etc...

... etc...

... etc...

... you get the idea.

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 25, 2017 - "Freedom"

... is playing with your best friend, knowing their weapons are only there for show.

Daily Dog Challenge 1972. "Motion"

Available light, wide aperture, slow speed, high ISO.


Best Buds
Handsome Boys

Henry in front and Zachary in back.

Taken with available light.

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 24, 2017 - "There's Two of Them"

Daily Dog Challenge 1971. "Two"


The Nose Knows
Super Sniffer

Daily Dog Challenge 1970. "The Nose Knows"

Dog Blog Post #2395


Photography Assignment

(See under each day's photos)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2017 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Friday, March 24, 2017

Canine Couture

Could you two be sweeties and finish that cape for me?

Canine Couture

Canine Couture

Canine Couture

Dog Blog Post #2394

The boys take their props very seriously.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 24, 2017 - "Hobbies"

Daily Dog Challenge 1969. "Just For Fun"

They'd Rather Be Playing

Can't say I blame them.





It's a dog thing

Daily Dog Challenge 1968. "Goofing Off"

Sleeping Beauty
Zachary: "Zzzzzz"

Just Because I Can

A Stitch In Time
A Stitch In Time

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2017 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Cookie Inventory

Need More Cookies
Zachary: "Need more Cookies!"

Goodness, aren't we rude.

Cookie Inventory

Cookie Inventory
(considering options)

Cookie Inventory
Penitent Puppies

Dog Blog Post #2393

The boys taking inventory of the Cookies.

Looks like a Pet Store trip is in my future.

The smallest Cookies are for small things - like coming over and being a Dress Form, or coming in the house when called.

The medium sized Cookies are "Good Bye" Cookies. Pretty sure the guys are happy to see us go when they get those.

The large Cookies are a relatively recent addition to the collection, and have mainly been used for props, although the boys get one if they are used.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 21, 2017 - "All in Order"

Daily Dog Challenge 1967. "Dog Stuff"

Meanwhile, Yesterday...

Still sewing, but did manage to get the shots, even if they didn't make to Flickr or the blog.

Up Close and Personal

Up Close and Personal

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 20, 2017 - "Close Up Portrait"

Daily Dog Challenge 1966. "Up Close and Personal"

Up Close and Personal

=- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2017 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Sunday, March 19, 2017


Henry: "Now?"

No sweetie, not yet.

Dog Blog Post #2392

My floor littered with dogs Waiting for the nightly shoot.

Every time I stirred in my seat, Henry would raise his head in Anticipation only to be disappointed.

Tonight I was working on a prototype pattern for the boys - a notch up from the V-Collar I've been making of late. It was originally based on a commercial pattern for a dog coat I bought for $1 (one of those 5 for $5 sales).

I traced the back pattern piece off and shortened the length to work better for my photography needs, then switched the closure allowance from front to back, but otherwise left it alone.

It was... a disaster. There was no way that garment was ever going to fit on the boys, and I hadn't even put in the sleeves yet.

Round two.

I traced off the necklines/shoulders of the front/back pieces and then eyeballed a lower edge of something I hoped would be a fitted-cape shape - something LIKE my V-Collars but fitting closer to the neck and around the shoulders.

It was... a bit better.

At least it was workable.

So I spent the rest of the evening calling Henry (the non-fidgety dog) over and taking in a pinch of fabric here and pinch there (for a Cookie, of course) until my "dress-form" got bored and left the room.

Zachary had abandoned me for Hubby long before, even though he had been getting Cookies for Nothing.

As the evening closed, I was really happy with the back neck seam and the shoulder seams. The front is probably still a bit too big, but with all the ruff fluff I hesitate to make it too snug. I definitely need to shorten it around the front legs so it doesn't ride up when they lie down sphinx-style - the most common pose - and then decide what the lower front width/shape should be.

Problems for another day.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 19, 2017 - "Waiting"

Daily Dog Challenge 1965. "Anticipation"


-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2017 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Friday, March 17, 2017

Golden Leprechauns

Golden Leprechauns
"Happy St. Patrick's Day!"

Dog Blog Post #2391

Once A Year our Golden Leprechauns come out, and if you're Lucky you might get a Golden Cookie.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 17, 2017 - "Once A Year"

Daily Dog Challenge 1963. "Lucky"

Golden Cookies
Lucky Cookies


Took this yesterday, and posted to Flickr, but forgot to include it here.

Obviously, the associated text is referring to yesterday's "Ruff 'n Hood and Friar Pup" shoot.

Ready and Waiting
The Goldens Gather

They love the attention and treats, and were none to happy that the shoot was delayed while I finished up the Cookie Bags.

Henry, in particular, kept coming around and nudging me to remind me that it was past time.

This is my kitchen in its "studio" configuration. The reflector is just visible, clipped to the fridge handle on the left.

The flash isn't there yet (I was walking over to get it when I took this) but the stand is just visible, hiding behind the umbrella.

When I actually shoot, I'll have the kitchen lights off and the umbrella CFL on, to provide the light the camera needs to focus. The main light for the picture comes from the flash.

Note that dogs, floors, and cabinets are all the same color - hence my love of backdrops.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2017 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Ruff 'n Hood and Friar Pup

What are you two doing???

Ruff 'n Hood and Friar Pup
Henry: "We stole the Cookies from the Rich to give to the Poor."

You're going to give all those Cookies away?

Ruff 'n Hood and Friar Pup

Every single Cookie?

Ruff 'n Hood and Friar Pup

Eh hem...

Ruff 'n Hood and Friar Pup
Henry: "We might keep one or two... bags."


Dog Blog Post #2390

Looks like Ruff 'n Hood and Friar Pup have struck again, although I have serious doubts the boys will be distributing them anytime soon.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1962. "Smart"

Takes a clever dog to pull of such a heist, no?

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 16, 2017 - "Green"

This is the completed Robin Hood outfit, coming in as prop #11 for the year. You might recall I trotted it out a few weeks ago in an unfinished state to fit a challenge. It's been done for a while, just waiting for the moment to be right. :)

The hat was downsized from Butterick pattern (#4574) - another $1 purchase from a 5 for $5 sale. I cut the fabric (fleece remnant) according to the pattern, then shifted the pattern down and recut the top and back end to make it much shallower and bit shorter. Stupid me, I didn't think to trace what I did in case I wanted to make another - a flaw in the process I fixed when I make Friar Pup's outfit. The feathers were actually from the floral department, as the bagged pheasant feathers looked terrible.

While you can't really tell, Henry is indeed sporting yesterday's Obi Wan Doggie robe as it was intentionally envisioned to be worn.

The Cookie Bags are prop #12 on my "prop a week" attempt. They are fully seamed and even have a casing for a drawstring on top, although only the right bag has one inserted.

The bones were cut from leftover scraps of Friar Tuck's outfit. I traced around the end of a spool of thread four times and drew some connecting lines. Ta-da! Instant bone pattern.

I whipped them up right before the photoshoot based on simple instructions for sewing a drawstring bag in a book I picked up from the library last weekend. I cut several more bags of various sizes from excess yardage bought years ago for quilt, but ran out of time to stitch them up.

Ruff 'n Hood Props
Ruff 'n Hood Hat and Cookies Bags

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2017 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Obi Wan Doggie

Obi Wan Doggie
Jedi Zachary: "Where's my lightsaber?'

Obi Wan Doggie
Henry the Happy Jedi

Obi Wan Doggie
Zachary the Grim Jedi?

Obi Wan Doggie
Jedi Henry, after placing himself in a trace

Dog Blog Post #2389

The force is strong with this one.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1961. "Beware"

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 15, 2017 - "Holes"

A rather low-tech effect, with the basket sitting on a small stack of black coasters, on top a small dark end table. The coasters separated the basket from the table without being visible to the camera. A small bit of fabric gave the basket a tilt. A few quick swipes of anti-exposure in Lightroom during post-processing made the table disappear.

This was supposed to be a Friar Tuck costume, for some future shot when the topic is right. But when I took an iPhone shot of it on Henry when I finished it last night, and texted to Hubby (in the other room - stop laughing) he said "Obi Wan".

You know... I think he was on to something.

The basic pattern was from a Grim Reaper pattern from Simplicity (#1349). The local fabric store periodically has great sales (5 patterns for $5 vs. $15-$20 each) on various brands. At that price, I can afford to pick something up in hopes I can make it work without feeling the least bit guilty.

In this case, I traced the men's large grim reaper collar pattern pieces (front and back) eyeballing in what I hoped would be a pleasing lower curve and length. The hood was made per the pattern.

The fabric is a yard of fleece (remnant) so I didn't need to line it. Easy to work with, although the sewing machine grumbles a bit when the seams start stacking up.

I particularly liked how the collar came out, and will probably use it again, as I've been looking for a good pattern for a cape. I might add an inch or two to the length, and will definitely give the boys a bit more room around the neck.

Obi Wan Doggie
Jedi Zachary, channelling the Galactic Emperor

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2017 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Look Out Below

Look Out Below
Fearsome Faces!

Look Out Below
(nibble nibble nibble)

Look Out Below
Bellies for tickling?

Look Out Below
"He he he"

Look Out Below
Look at all that flowing fur

Dog Blog Post #2388

Switched to the 35mm lens and looked down.

Gee, what a surprise, the boys were playing Bitey-Face.

Today's shoot is sans flash, 1/40s @ f/2.8, with ISO 1250-1600.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 13, 2017 - "Ground or Grounding"

Daily Dog Challenge 1959. "Below"

Look Out Below

Can you tell I'm trying to get back on their good sides after yesterday's Lampshade Shoot?

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2017 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved