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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Cookie Inventory

Need More Cookies
Zachary: "Need more Cookies!"

Goodness, aren't we rude.

Cookie Inventory

Cookie Inventory
(considering options)

Cookie Inventory
Penitent Puppies

Dog Blog Post #2393

The boys taking inventory of the Cookies.

Looks like a Pet Store trip is in my future.

The smallest Cookies are for small things - like coming over and being a Dress Form, or coming in the house when called.

The medium sized Cookies are "Good Bye" Cookies. Pretty sure the guys are happy to see us go when they get those.

The large Cookies are a relatively recent addition to the collection, and have mainly been used for props, although the boys get one if they are used.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 21, 2017 - "All in Order"

Daily Dog Challenge 1967. "Dog Stuff"

Meanwhile, Yesterday...

Still sewing, but did manage to get the shots, even if they didn't make to Flickr or the blog.

Up Close and Personal

Up Close and Personal

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 20, 2017 - "Close Up Portrait"

Daily Dog Challenge 1966. "Up Close and Personal"

Up Close and Personal

=- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2017 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. Oops - thought this was two posts. I thought all they'd have to do is say "Please". Those big dog bones are substantial, but I'm sure they still get eaten pretty quickly.
