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Friday, March 17, 2017

Golden Leprechauns

Golden Leprechauns
"Happy St. Patrick's Day!"

Dog Blog Post #2391

Once A Year our Golden Leprechauns come out, and if you're Lucky you might get a Golden Cookie.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 17, 2017 - "Once A Year"

Daily Dog Challenge 1963. "Lucky"

Golden Cookies
Lucky Cookies


Took this yesterday, and posted to Flickr, but forgot to include it here.

Obviously, the associated text is referring to yesterday's "Ruff 'n Hood and Friar Pup" shoot.

Ready and Waiting
The Goldens Gather

They love the attention and treats, and were none to happy that the shoot was delayed while I finished up the Cookie Bags.

Henry, in particular, kept coming around and nudging me to remind me that it was past time.

This is my kitchen in its "studio" configuration. The reflector is just visible, clipped to the fridge handle on the left.

The flash isn't there yet (I was walking over to get it when I took this) but the stand is just visible, hiding behind the umbrella.

When I actually shoot, I'll have the kitchen lights off and the umbrella CFL on, to provide the light the camera needs to focus. The main light for the picture comes from the flash.

Note that dogs, floors, and cabinets are all the same color - hence my love of backdrops.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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