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Sunday, March 12, 2017

Happy Birthday Zachary

Happy Birthday Zachary
Zachary: "It's good to be the Birthday Boy."
Henry: "Yup... more gray hairs for you."

Happy Birthday Zachary
Henry: "Another year older, another yard wider."


Dog Blog Post #2386

I don't know much about Basketball, but I know a Ball Hog when I see one.

Here's Zachary, celebrating his 9th Birthday with a ball for every year.

Zachary is, without doubt, both the smartest dog we've had as well as the one with the strongest desire to please.

He almost tries too hard to figure out what you're thinking, making "stay" (aka Do Nothing) one of the hardest things for him to do.

He seems to think that you must want him to be doing SOMETHING!

I taught him how to load/unload the drier and pull the laundry basket down the hall, plus all the usual tricks, and he loves to show them all off.

For a Cookie, of course.

He is seriously food motivated.

Happy Birthday Baby Boy, and here's wishing you many more Lacrosse Balls in the years to come.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 12, 2017 - "March Madness"

Daily Dog Challenge 1958. "Many"

Happy Birthday Zachary
Henry: "He he he"
Zachary: "Just you wait, puppy. Your Birthday is coming up in a few months."

Birthday Boy
Birthday Burger for the Birthday Boy and his Best Buddy


Saturday's challenge was "Zoomed", so here you have Henry at MAXIMUM ZOOM on my iPhone.

Up Close and Personal
So close you it looks like you can almost touch him

I was sitting right next to him when I took it.

Impressive, isn't it.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2017 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

  1. Happy 9th Birthday Zachary! I hope you enjoyed playing with all those balls and eating the delicious cheeseburger.
