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Saturday, March 4, 2017

Mmm Mmm Good

Mmm Mmm Good
Henry: (sniff sniff sniff)

Mmm Mmm Good
Henry: (sniiiiiiiiiiiff)

Dog Blog Post #2381

The boys decided to Experiment with Carob today, as Chocolate is hazardous to their health.

This is from the same dog treat company as yesterday's donut (Tail Bangers) and the boys were equally impressed with today's offerings.

Two paws up from the Golden Gourmands!

(Usual disclaimer: we are neither affiliated nor reimbursed in any way.)

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1950. "Experiment"

Our Daily Challenge - March 4, 2017 - "Chocolate"

Mmm Mmm Good
Zachary (thinking) : "Will you hurry up!"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2017 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

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