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Wednesday, March 1, 2017



Waiting for Peanut Butter

Oh, wait.

Sorry, Zachary, I need to put a new battery in the remote.

If looks could kill


Making a little mess

At least he cleaned it up when we were through.

Dog Blog Post #2379

You would be amazed how far one dog can spread one spoonful of peanut butter around a kitchen.

It was on the floor, the dog, my pants...

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - March 1, 2017 - "One"

Daily Dog Challenge 1947. "Special Treat"

117 Pictures in 2017 - #35. "A Favorite Food"

I never know what I'm going to get with a Peanut Butter shoot.

This isn't a low calorie treat, so I can only afford one spoonful per dog. Especially since quantity matters if you want that creamy goodness to come through.

And you want the peanut butter nice and runny, which only adds to the unpredictability (and mess!)

At least with Zachary, I'm pretty sure he'll keep it together and stay in a down for a solid lick or two.

All bets are off with Henry once his tongue hits that creamy, salty, goodness.

That's probably why, over past two years (2015-16) all three selected Peanut Butter on Spoon shots were of Zachary.

His streak continues into this year, as I picked the "Touchdown!" shot, above.


What a Good Boy

Oh, that's not going to go well for the floor

Good grief, how much Peanut Butter can fall off one spoon???

Truth in Advertising: OK... while I did have to replace the battery in the remote today, I was able to limp through the entire shoot with the old one.

Funny shot, though. I just had to find a way to squeeze it into the blog.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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