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Monday, March 6, 2017

Penitent Puppy

Henry, how could you?

Penitent Puppy
Penitent Puppy

You know better!

Penitent Dog

And you, Zachary...

Penitent Dog

If you think I'm going to give you Cookies...

Penitent Dog
(blink blink)

Well... um...

I suppose it really wasn't that bad.

Mr. Zachary
(blink blink blink)

Just don't it again.

Dog Blog Post #2383

The boys, offering me a Bunch of Pretty Posies.

With expressions like that, I should probably be worried.

On the other hand, looking like that, how could I possibly be mad?

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - March 6, 2017 - "Bunch"

Daily Dog Challenge 1952. "Pretty Posies"

FWIW: Yes, this is a cued behavior for both boys. I hold my hand low (often with a Cookie) to get their muzzles pointed down, tell them to stay, then slowly raise my hand (with Cookie) straight up.

They are good boys, and hold the stay with their heads, but their eyes follow the Cookie upward.

Once my hand is out of the frame I snap the picture.

I've found the trick is to move slowly and steadily. If I'm too fast or jerky they'll raise their heads.

To me, Henry somehow manages to pull off penitent, while Zachary never gets past guilty.

In contrast, for a normal pose, I position their heads in exactly the same way, but withdraw my hand very fast and off to the side, leaving them staring at whatever I want them staring at.

Or I can just drop a Cookie in the middle of whatever-it-is and rely on that to keep their attention.

That's the cheater's solution, with the obvious downside of causing drool if they are left that way too long, but it can be worth it if I want them both to stare at the same location that is in the frame.

Those crafty pictures, with Zachary doing some activity (e.g. knitting) and Henry looking on, are almost always posed that way.

Mr. Zachary
Zachary: "He he he... she falls for it every time."

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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