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Saturday, April 15, 2017

Smart Dogs

Smart Dogs
Henry: "Pull up a book, Momma."

Dog Blog Post #2403

Just Like Me, the boys enjoy learning - albeit each at their own pace.

It's a Legacy I hope I passed down to my (soon to have his Masters in Engineering) son as well.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1991. "Just Like Me"

Our Daily Challenge - April 15, 2017 - "Legacy"


Thirsty Cowdog
Zachary: "Oh waitress..."

Thirsty Cowdog
Henry: "... little help here."

Pardon My Reach
Me: "Here you go, sir."

Pardon my...

Daily Dog Challenge 1991. "Reach"

Yes, that's a mug shaped like a...

Our Daily Challenge - April 14, 2017 - "Boot"

... and a bottle of BZ Brewers Fetching Golden Pale Ale.

I'll leave it as an exercise for the viewer as to which is genuine.

Pardon My Reach
Henry: (sniff)

Pardon My Reach
Strong silent type?

Maybe I should have brought the bottle opener.


Our Daily Challenge - April 13, 2017 - "Animals"

Daily Dog Challenge 1990. "Happiness Is..."

Happiness Is...
Zachary: "Aaaaarroooooooooo"

Happiness Is...
Henry: "He he he..."

Happiness Is...
Henry: "... he he he."

Happiness Is...
Zachary: "Roar!"

Note Henry's semi-saved lower belly (right). After last year's hot-spot woes, we thought we would try a preemptive strike by reducing his surprisingly thick fur from that delicate area.

We had Zachary's belly shaved while we were at it, although he already has so little hair there that it's now as soft and smooth as a puppies!

Neither dog has shown the slightest indication of being bothered by the shearing.

Henry loves to sleep on his back, with this legs splayed apart, and we're hoping his new hair cut will keep him cooler and "well aired".

Happiness Is...
Henry: "Zzzzzz"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2017 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. Oh I do love a bandana on a dog and I have to say those boys look mighty handsome. :)

  2. All too cute! Love the saloon pics.
