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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Twisty Path

Sorry - I've been engrossed reading about the history of fashion.

Never fear, though, the boys were modeling, pictures were taken, and then posted to Flickr.

It's just the blog that's been lagging a bit.

Twisty Path
Henry tuft

Henry's Coat

Henry's Coat
Amber waves?

Following a...

Daily Dog Challenge 2003. "Twisty"

... path through Henry's coat.

The especially rich color is due to the lighting, as in, Henry laid down with his curliest bits on his shadowed side.

Our Daily Challenge - April 26, 2017 - "Details"

FWIW: While it doesn't show in any of the pictures, Henry was sporting a wide-brimmed hat for all shots as he chilled with his head on his paws.

The hat shades his entire head (think "sleeping cowboy") and keeps the flash out of his eyes.

Other than his ruff and a few wayward tuffs on the nape of his neck, Zachary coat is completely flat, rending him rather useless for today's challenge.

He earned his Modeling cookies, tonight, running through his favorite tricks.

Dog Blog Post #2407

Henry's Coat
Henry swirl

Golden Fields

Golden Fields
... of Henry...

Golden Fields
... fluff

Photography Assignment


All that Glitters
Oh my


Daily Dog Challenge 2002. "Versus"

... future?

Good taste versus... um... yes. Maybe we'll just leave it at that.

I made the sequined collar back in February, but I believe this is its debut.

It is a simple V-Collar, with sequined fabric (a remnant strip) over heavy felt. Although it took a couple hours to make, being sewn entirely by hand, it was easy, mindless work. The regularity of the sequins made it pretty much impossible to screw up.

I love the sturdy weight of this piece, and so I'm keeping my eye out for additional colors to show up in the remnant bin.

Henry's neckwear is made of rows of little plastic pyramids joined together, sold by the yard on a spool with the ribbons. This is one yard, held together a center-neck by a strip of masking tape on the back. Took me about 30 seconds to figure out the crossing point and tape it together. Done.

Moments like that make me think I work way to hard on (most other) props.

Our Daily Challenge - April 25, 2017 - "All That Glitters Is Not Gold"

All that Glitters
Henry: "I'm from the future!"

All that Glitters
Henry: "We earn more Cookies."

The jabot speaks for itself, I suppose. I took a length of lace fabric (not ribbon) and cut an angular piece about 5" wide and the narrow end and... um... however long that looks :) on the wide end. I then ran a piece of thread across the long length, creating simple accordion folds about every inch. The neck band is extra-wide seam binding, top-stitched top and bottom with the lace inserted in the middle and stitched in place by hand. The collar is actually folded over to make the lace pop out, else it would hang straight down from the collar. I never got around to getting a clasp for it, so the ends are are granny knotted in the back.

(As much as I liked the look, I was afraid the lace would block the "glittering" and thus it had to go for the rest of the shoot.)


All in a Row
March of the Cookies

Four LEGOs... Four Cookies... One Happy Henry.

Daily Dog Challenge 2001. "Four"

Our Daily Challenge - April 24, 2017 - "Queue or Line-up"

Henry, showing off his Special Skill (aka "doing nothing")

The very thing that Zachary is most incapable of doing.


By a Nose
Henry's nose

Daily Dog Challenge 2000. "Less is More"

Our Daily Challenge - April 23, 2017 - "Minimal"


The less said about this next shot, the better.

Howdy Pilgram?
Zachary: "Howdy, Pilgrim!"

So when I reminded the boys today was...

Daily Dog Challenge 1999. "Earth Day"

... and suggested they abandoned their high-tech ways and go back to a simpler, more Earth friendly way of living - at least for a day - this is what I got.

Our Daily Challenge - April 22, 2017 - "April Showers Bring May Flowers..."

Blame the guy who posted the ODC challenge - he's the one that reminded me of the alternate ending, "... what do Mayflowers bring? Pilgrims!"

I promise, this looked MUCH better in my head.

In fact, I should have just photoshopped it and saved myself some time.

Yes, everything you see is real, and on the dog as advertised.

FWIW: The Flat Hat is taped to a pipe-cleaner halo, resting (precariously) on Zachary's head.



(ps. I have subsequently tossed this collar and come up with a much simpler, and definitely more attractive, alternative.)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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1 comment:

  1. Henry, I think you are adorable in your futuristic head wear.
