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Friday, April 21, 2017

Zebra Cuffs

Faux Fur

Zebra Cuffs
Wrong side : Right side

Zebra Cuffs
... a bit closer...

Zebra Cuffs
... and a bit further.

Dog Blog Post #2406

The boys are firm believers in faux fur.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - April 20, 2017 - "Save The _______"

Daily Dog Challenge 1998. "Feet"

The Golden Retriever standard specifies: "Feet medium size, round, compact, and well knuckled, with thick pads."

... also known as "cat feet" (although we don't say that too loudly around the boys).

Of course, without regular grooming, those sleek Cat Feet quickly turn into Fuzzy Golden Slippers.

Zebra Cuff
Up close and personal

I didn't intend on this side showing.

I was just looking for an easy way to get the cuffs on their wrists, as sliding things over furry paws - against the grain - is... hard.

It's what it looks like - a pair of buttons with a bit of elastic looped between. I take the elastic off, wrap the cuff around the wrist, then put the elastic band back on to close.

Works great.

Zebra Outfit
The definitely not cave dog outfit

This is the top half. The collar is a standing collar that curves gently from about 3" high, just a bit back of the "shoulder" seam, to 1" at the end (front).

Yes, that's the shoulder seam - or at least the dog equivalent.

Yes, I know, it doesn't line up with the fold where you would think a shoulder seam should be, but that's because my boys have way more behind their front legs than they have before them.

To put it another way, dogs - when you lay a pattern - are hunchbacked. :)

Honestly, I need either a second seam or maybe a dart about 5" inches behind that one, to take in that "flip" that bears no resemblance to a dog's sleek non-shoulders.

Ah yes, something for the next project.

Sorry about the bad lighting - I didn't have the flash out tonight.

Will, once again, try to get a better shot in the future,

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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