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Sunday, May 21, 2017

Dear Diary...

Road Construction
Zachary: "Looks like we've found a pot hole."
Henry: "How horrible."

Dog Blog Post #2420

Dear Diary...

... spent all day lounging around, enjoying the air conditioning, while Mom started sewing a bright orange safety vest.

We warned her that finishing it with seam binding was going to take forever, but she didn't listen to us and used it anyway.

Five hours of sewing later, she finished up with just 2" of seam binding to spare (seriously!).

The shoot happened then and there - taking all of 30 seconds (seriously!).

She's now threatening to make us wear it for every shoot this week.

Like it was somehow OUR fault!

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 2027. "Dear Diary..."

Our Daily Challenge - May 21, 2017 - "Mass Transportation"


Those buses aren't going to get where they need to go without a valiant pot-hole filling crew.

Costume Designer's Note: Believe it or not, this uses the same pattern for the front as last week's Blue Brocade outfit, except I rounded the top corners (under the neck) to make it easier to apply the seam binding, and there is no collar.

There is also less overlap of the front flaps, as I think a safety vest should have a looser fit.

Oh, and I tried adding "wings" to the bottom front that extend up the sides to meet the back (barely visible here). One side is stitched and the other has a velcro strip to make it easier to get on/off.

I was quite pleased with how that turned out, so I'm sure you'll see it again.

As something different from the blue brocade, I used the back pattern from the princess-seamed paw-print coat, shortening it a few inches in length (being a vest) and taking 2 inches out of the center back (cut on the fold) to make it ride higher around the neck, as there is no collar.

While the looseness at the shoulders works for a safety-vest, it won't work for much else.

I think that's the last remaining major issue to be solved for a coat-like style.

To be fair, the fact I made it wider across the chest (intentionally) is most likely part of the problem. For the Blue Brocade, the two flaps overlap completely.

Photographer's Note: I don't normally shoot standing up, but it was the only way I was going to get a good view of the hole!

And yes, the hole is a physical object (not a photoshop hole) - a repurposing of the ACME (construction paper) hole from earlier this year.

In fact, looking over this years album, it looks like only other time I shot standing up was for that ACME hole shoot.

Road Construction
Zachary: "Especially since you're the one who has to fill it."

Uh guys... why is there a hole in my kitchen floor?

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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  1. These photos are really great and creative. You're definitely getting me thinking about what I could do with my little ones!

  2. I think the vest turned out great. The seam binding makes a huge difference in the finished look. We have a street that keeps getting pot holes (seriously, they refill them every couple weeks). Maybe the boys could come fix them.
