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Saturday, May 20, 2017

His Royal Highness

His Royal Highness
HRH Henry

His Royal Highness
The Weary Monarch

Dog Blog Post #2420

Day Spa Day.

'Nuff said.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - May 20, 2017 - "Leaves"

Daily Dog Challenge 2026. "Green"

The blurry fabric in the background is a 1/2 yard remnant (decorator jacquard?) I picked up today.

It's been sitting in the remnant bin for at least a month, but at ~$10/yd (50% off bolt price of $19.99/yd) it was more than I was willing to spend.

But I liked it.

So every time I popped in the store I would check the price (using the handy dandy self-service scanner) to see if the fabric was on sale.

Today was my lucky day, as the fabric is currently 50% off, making my scrap ~$2.50 out the door.

The pattern is probably too large to make into an outfit/collar, but it should do nicely draped over a pillow or table, or carefully arranged as a royal cloak.

Like today.

Serious Lack of Enthusiasm

Paw Rest
Excuse me while I scratch an itch

I'm simply a paw rest for Zachary, as he turns to groom his flank.

Daily Dog Challenge 2025. "Problem Solver"

Lack of Enthusiasm
Zachary: "Zzzzzz"

Lack of Enthusiasm
Henry: "Zzzzzz"

It was one of those days.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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