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Wednesday, June 28, 2017



Dog Blog Post #2428

Searching for fur-care tips.

So they say.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 2065. "Technological Dog"

Our Daily Challenge - June 27, 2017 - "The Common Ground"

Vacation Pictures
Zachary: "There I was, just inches from the squirrel, when..."


Henry and his Mini-Me

Henry, unimpressed by his Mini-Me

Henry and his mini-me.

Our Daily Challenge - June 27, 2017 - "Miniature"


We've been doing quite a bit of yard work of late, and tonight's pictures reflect that...

"He he he"

Henry: "Roar!"
Zachary: (wiggle wiggle)

Henry: (pant pant)
Zachary: (squirm squirm)

Henry: "He he he"
Zachary: (wiggle squirm wiggle)

Fearsome Face!

If you're not a Golden, you wouldn't understand.

(Yes, I'm still "losing" the Battle for the Computer. Blame my two-legged boys.)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2017 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Monday, June 26, 2017

Sink or Swim

Ok... let me explain.

Hubby and Son have taken over the computer for a Very Important Project (hmmm...) leaving me barely enough time to process and post to Flickr.

The fact that most of last week was blazing hot didn't help.

That said, here's a quick peak back in time...


Saving the Cookie 25/52
Mr. Zachary

This didn't turn out as planned.

I assumed this would be a "Henry Shot" - as the pup is normally a total slob when he drinks.

I drop a cookie in the bowl, he goes snorkeling for it, water goes everywhere, ta-da!

And that's exactly what happened.

The floor was a disaster by the time he was done.

The Titanic probably sank in less water.

Alas, the Photographer was stupid and wasn't paying attention to her flash, which - due to dying batteries - wasn't really flashing.


Batter up!

Zachary was now on deck.

Mr. Prissy Drinker himself.

The dog who acts like he's going to melt if so much as a drop of moisture gets on his muzzle.

The dog who stared at the Cookie I'd just dropped in the bowl and then patiently waited for me to fish it out for him.

Yeah, that Zachary.

Only I didn't go fishing, I just sat there pointing to the increasingly soggy Cookie, giving him my cheeriest "Find it!" cue.

He looked at me like I was nuts.

Zachary: "The Cookie is right there, Mom. Drowning."

Me: "Save it!"

Zachary: "I'll get wet."

Me: "You'll get a Cookie."

Thankfully, Zachary found his inner life-guard and I got my shot.


Daily Dog Challenge 2062. "Refreshing"

Our Daily Challenge - June 25, 2017 - "Water"

A Moment Too Soon
Henry, before the flash died



Daily Dog Challenge 2061. "Lost in Thought"

Our Daily Challenge - June 24, 2017 - "The Eyes Have It"

I have no idea why Henry is licking his lips. Perhaps Zachary should be worried.


Movie Time
The Movie Reviewer and The Pup

What better way to spend a hot afternoon than watching a good movie in a nice cool theater?

As Zachary pens movie reviews for the local paper, it was only natural for Henry to tag along for...

Daily Dog Challenge 2060. "Take Your Dog To Work"

... Day (June 23).

Gee, I sure hope the movie was rated P (for Puppy).

Our Daily Challenge - June 23, 2017 - "Movie Time"

Movie Time
Uh oh

Movie Time
Henry: "Didn't Mom said no Poodle Pictures?"


Dog Noir
Mr. Zachary

The boys retreat to the hardwood floor and stone tiles when the temps rise in the house.

At 78F, inside the house is a...

Our Daily Challenge - June 21, 2017 - "A Great Place To Be"

... compared to the outside temp of 106F.

The line of dogs extends into the distance and disappears...

Daily Dog Challenge 2059. "Around the Corner"

(Forecast is for temps to drop into the 90's this weekend and possibly back into the 80's next week. Pretty sure the boys have paws crossed on that.)

Dog Noir
The Lineup


Golden Hills
Golden Hills

Stepped out of the studio to take a few happy-snappies of the...

Our Daily Challenge - June 21, 2017 - "Horizon"

..., or at least as good as I could do with these darned hills in the way.

Alas, being late in the day, the color came out a bit...

Daily Dog Challenge 2058. "Flat"

I believe that's Mt. Henry in the distance, with the foothills in the mid-range dropping down to the headlands to the left.

(The high was 103F outside, 80F inside, and the Models weren't budging.)

Golden Hills
Plains and Hills


No Shame
No Shame


Daily Dog Challenge 2057. "Abundance"

... of Henry fluff, and...

Our Daily Challenge - June 20, 2017 - "Four or More"

... paws visible.

Looks like it's time to have Henry's lower belly shaved again at the day spa.

He had a rather bad bout of Hot Spot down there last year, and we're hoping that having less fluff during the summer heat will keep his skin drier and healthier.

Thankfully, unless he's splayed out like this, you'll never know.

Zachary has far less fur there naturally without being shaved at all.

Happy Henry


Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
Sleepy Henry

Still to hot.

Daily Dog Challenge 2056. "Pale"

Our Daily Challenge - June 19, 2017 - "Cream or Creamy"

Dog Blog Post #2427


Photography Assignment

See above

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2017 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Too Darn Hot!

First Zachary got sick.

After a few days (and some magic white pills) he was back to his normal self... and then Henry caught it.

Thankfully, the vet said I could give same pills to Henry, so he started feeling better pretty much right way.

And then it turned hot.

Darned hot.

Too darned hot!

I think today peaked at 106F.

So while I *did* take happy-snappies each day, they weren't anything to write home about.

Here's a sampling...


Family Dinner
Family Dinner


Too Darn Hot
Too hot for overhead lights


Henry still healthy and Zachary feeling better...

Golden Unicorn
Unicorn Henry

This was NOT what I'd pictured in my head.

I imagined the Cookies larger, the rainbow "grass" in the golden bowl overflowing (heck, I'd have been happy with visible), the fabric bright and shimmery...

You get the idea.

About the only thing that worked out as planned - actually better than I'd hoped - was the Unicorn horn.

Fashioned from a discarded manilla folder, held together with masking tape, wrapped in a bit of gold ribbon I had on hand, and attached with pixie sprinkles and fairy dust.

(Well, you can't expect me to divulge ALL my secrets.)

Let's just say that the horn is a real, physical thing and Henry was absolutely wearing it here.

Daily Dog Challenge 2051. "Colorful"

Our Daily Challenge - June 16, 2017 - "Unicorn Food"

117 Pictures in 2017 - #81. "Herbivore"

(Work with me here)

100x - 56: Unicorn

Apparently, Unicorns eat yogurt dipped dog cookies.

Who knew?

In our defense, it was darned hot today, and after a few days off due to Zachary's tummy issue, we were all a bit... rusty.

While Zachary was feeling MUCH better today (a big thanks to the little white pills) I decided - after seeing the shoot going down in flames - to give him another night off.


Warm Blanket
Sleeping it off

Ethereal Henry


Line up
Line Up

Line up
Groggy Henry


... and we are back to before Zachary's tummy went... south.

Cult of the Lacrosse Ball
Zen Zachary

Sacrificial Sock
Henry and Sock

Our Daily Challenge - June 13, 2017 - "Hold or Holding"

Daily Dog Challenge 2049. "Mine"


What's Cooking? 24/52
Master Chefs

Our Daily Challenge - June 12, 2017 - "Stainless Steel"

Daily Dog Challenge 2049. "What's Cooking?"

Dog Blog Post #2426

See above

Photography Assignment

See above

Happy Boys
The Boys

Let's hope this week works out better.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2017 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Z is for Zebra

Z is for Zebra
Z is for Zachary with a Zebra

Dog Blog Post #2425

Some pictures defy explanation.

I'm thinking this might be one of them.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - June 8, 2017 - "Balanced"

Daily Dog Challenge 2048. "Balance"

117 Pictures in 2017 - #31. "Begins with X or Z"

Well Balanced
Henry (thinking) : "This is Puppy Stuff."

Henry doing what Henry does best.

In truth, his balancing ability exceeds my own ability to create a stable stack with Cookies.


Worn Out
Henry: "Zzzzzz"

Daily Dog Challenge 2047. "Worn Out"

Models don't work on Day Spa Day.

Worn Out
Groggy Henry

(And yes, he really is as tired as he looks)


Game of Bones
Henry: "... or maybe I should move here..."

Game of Bones
Henry: (think think think)

I'm not quite sure what the rules are...

Or who is winning...

But they seem to be quite into it.

Our Daily Challenge - June 8, 2017 - "Playing Games"

Daily Dog Challenge 2046. "What to Do"

Your move, Henry.

Game of Bones
Henry: "Of course, I could move over THERE."


Best Friends
The other day... in a kitchen... far far away

Pressed up against the sofa, this technically is...

Our Daily Challenge - June 8, 2017 - "As Far as the Eye Can See"

A fish-eye lens snapped on my iPhone tries to make it look a bit further than it really is.

(While the hallway actually allows a farther distance, there wasn't enough light for the "see" part.)

Daily Dog Challenge 2045. "Best Friends"

... are off in the distance, playing a game with large dog bones. Alas, we are too far away to see it clearly. Perhaps I'll take a better picture of it tomorrow.

As I've mentioned before. The monochrome nature of floor, cabinets, and dogs is why I'm so fond of using backdrops.

This is the full extent of my "studio" - unmasked.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2017 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Private Conversation

Private Conversation
(whisper whisper whisper)

Dog Blog Post #2424

Apparently, it's a secret.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - June 7, 2017 - "Sounds"

Daily Dog Challenge 2044. "Undisclosed"

We Were Wolves...

We Were Wolves

"We were wolves once
Wild and wary
Then we noticed you had sofas"

-- Francesco Marciuliano, I Could Chew on This: And Other Poems by Dogs

Our Daily Challenge - June 6, 2017 - "Caring For"

Daily Dog Challenge 2043. "Homebody"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2017 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Monday, June 5, 2017

Pretty Little Flower

Pretty Little Flower
Happy World Environment Day!

Dog Blog Post #2423

Gardener Zachary with his One Perfect flower.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - June 5, 2017 - "One Perfect"

Daily Dog Challenge 2042. "Nature Dog"

Fun With Felt night?

~1/4 yard of heavy green felt, a yard of grosgrain ribbon, and a half hour or so of my time.

If I'd found a rich green fleece in my stash I would have spent longer on it, but as the flower headdress is just heavy index card perhaps the felt was most appropriate in the end.

I'm actually quite surprised how long the headdress has lasted. I reapply tape to the back as needed, but it has proved surprisingly durable given how little time I spent on it.


Prince Henry
Prince Henry

Prince Zachary
Prince Zachary

I'm going to have to have a chat with their agent.

Our Daily Challenge - June 4, 2017 - "Gaudy"

Daily Dog Challenge 2041. "Over the Top"

Prince Henry
Henry, still looking princely


Window to the Soul

Window to the Soul

These didn't turn out quite as I'd hoped.

Daily Dog Challenge 2040. "Picture within a Picture"


The Blues Brothers 22/52
The Blues Brothers

The Blues Brothers
Looking shady?

"Elwood: It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark... and we're wearing sunglasses.

Jake: Hit it."

-- "The Blues Brothers"

Daily Dog Challenge 2039. "Shady"

117 Pictures in 2017 - #95. "Bags or Baggage"

The Blues Brothers
Henry: "Hit it!"


Henry: "Zzzzzz"

Neither of the usual topics "worked" for the boys, so you get a Happy Snappy.


My Favorite Book
"Welcome to Golden Gourmands."

Our Daily Challenge - May 31, 2017 - "First or Last Lines"

"This is my favorite book in all the world, though I have never read it."

-- "The Princess Bride" by William Goldman

This was a bit of a challenge, given my self-imposed subject matter restriction. And after my third or fourth "List Of..." website turned up nothing, I was really beginning to worry.

But when I finally hit on the line above I instantly knew my search was over.

Daily Dog Challenge 2036. "Who Me?"

Truth in Advertising: Uh, no, despite the obvious similarities (I'm looking at you, Zachary) the Cover Dog isn't one of mine.

Handsome fellow, though.

(Yes, it's a real book.)

My Favorite Book
Henry: "I'm the official taste tester."

No, I didn't mean to go that long without posting.

I'll do better this week.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2017 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved