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Sunday, June 18, 2017

Too Darn Hot!

First Zachary got sick.

After a few days (and some magic white pills) he was back to his normal self... and then Henry caught it.

Thankfully, the vet said I could give same pills to Henry, so he started feeling better pretty much right way.

And then it turned hot.

Darned hot.

Too darned hot!

I think today peaked at 106F.

So while I *did* take happy-snappies each day, they weren't anything to write home about.

Here's a sampling...


Family Dinner
Family Dinner


Too Darn Hot
Too hot for overhead lights


Henry still healthy and Zachary feeling better...

Golden Unicorn
Unicorn Henry

This was NOT what I'd pictured in my head.

I imagined the Cookies larger, the rainbow "grass" in the golden bowl overflowing (heck, I'd have been happy with visible), the fabric bright and shimmery...

You get the idea.

About the only thing that worked out as planned - actually better than I'd hoped - was the Unicorn horn.

Fashioned from a discarded manilla folder, held together with masking tape, wrapped in a bit of gold ribbon I had on hand, and attached with pixie sprinkles and fairy dust.

(Well, you can't expect me to divulge ALL my secrets.)

Let's just say that the horn is a real, physical thing and Henry was absolutely wearing it here.

Daily Dog Challenge 2051. "Colorful"

Our Daily Challenge - June 16, 2017 - "Unicorn Food"

117 Pictures in 2017 - #81. "Herbivore"

(Work with me here)

100x - 56: Unicorn

Apparently, Unicorns eat yogurt dipped dog cookies.

Who knew?

In our defense, it was darned hot today, and after a few days off due to Zachary's tummy issue, we were all a bit... rusty.

While Zachary was feeling MUCH better today (a big thanks to the little white pills) I decided - after seeing the shoot going down in flames - to give him another night off.


Warm Blanket
Sleeping it off

Ethereal Henry


Line up
Line Up

Line up
Groggy Henry


... and we are back to before Zachary's tummy went... south.

Cult of the Lacrosse Ball
Zen Zachary

Sacrificial Sock
Henry and Sock

Our Daily Challenge - June 13, 2017 - "Hold or Holding"

Daily Dog Challenge 2049. "Mine"


What's Cooking? 24/52
Master Chefs

Our Daily Challenge - June 12, 2017 - "Stainless Steel"

Daily Dog Challenge 2049. "What's Cooking?"

Dog Blog Post #2426

See above

Photography Assignment

See above

Happy Boys
The Boys

Let's hope this week works out better.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2017 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. Sorry to hear Zachary's tummy was upset.
    The Chef photo turned out really well, as the did lacrosse ball and the sock.
    When I saw the unicorn photo, I thought, wow, that's a lot more props than you usually use, but just about every color in the rainbow is there. So it captured the Color theme perfectly!
