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Sunday, June 11, 2017

Z is for Zebra

Z is for Zebra
Z is for Zachary with a Zebra

Dog Blog Post #2425

Some pictures defy explanation.

I'm thinking this might be one of them.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - June 8, 2017 - "Balanced"

Daily Dog Challenge 2048. "Balance"

117 Pictures in 2017 - #31. "Begins with X or Z"

Well Balanced
Henry (thinking) : "This is Puppy Stuff."

Henry doing what Henry does best.

In truth, his balancing ability exceeds my own ability to create a stable stack with Cookies.


Worn Out
Henry: "Zzzzzz"

Daily Dog Challenge 2047. "Worn Out"

Models don't work on Day Spa Day.

Worn Out
Groggy Henry

(And yes, he really is as tired as he looks)


Game of Bones
Henry: "... or maybe I should move here..."

Game of Bones
Henry: (think think think)

I'm not quite sure what the rules are...

Or who is winning...

But they seem to be quite into it.

Our Daily Challenge - June 8, 2017 - "Playing Games"

Daily Dog Challenge 2046. "What to Do"

Your move, Henry.

Game of Bones
Henry: "Of course, I could move over THERE."


Best Friends
The other day... in a kitchen... far far away

Pressed up against the sofa, this technically is...

Our Daily Challenge - June 8, 2017 - "As Far as the Eye Can See"

A fish-eye lens snapped on my iPhone tries to make it look a bit further than it really is.

(While the hallway actually allows a farther distance, there wasn't enough light for the "see" part.)

Daily Dog Challenge 2045. "Best Friends"

... are off in the distance, playing a game with large dog bones. Alas, we are too far away to see it clearly. Perhaps I'll take a better picture of it tomorrow.

As I've mentioned before. The monochrome nature of floor, cabinets, and dogs is why I'm so fond of using backdrops.

This is the full extent of my "studio" - unmasked.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2017 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, there's no explaining that zebra photo, but Zachary looks regal despite the accessories!
    Henry's "Zzzzzz" photo is precious.
    Dog bone dominoes - that's a first.
