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Monday, July 31, 2017


Zachary: "Please?"

Zachary, standing on the floor, placing his head in my lap, begging for... ?

Could be attention. Might be Cookies. Perhaps he wants out?

In this case, it was none of the above. Turns out he was asking permission to join me on the sofa.

Sometimes he asks. Sometimes he doesn't.

He's always allowed on the sofa, except when I'm trying to arrange the blankets, so his motivation for (sometimes) asking is a mystery.

Dog Blog Post #2435

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 2098. "Vertical"

Sleepy Puppy
Zachary: "Zzzzz"

Fast asleep on the sofa with me, with his head sandwiched between my blanket covered leg and the back of the sofa.

It's a heavy blanket, tending to smooth out our respective lumps and bumps, making snuggling together more comfy.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2017 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Friday, July 28, 2017

Senior Citizen

Senior Citizen
Senior Citizen Zachary

I wonder if they'll let him into Movies at a discount?

Dog Blog Post #2434

Zachary turned nine a couple months back, making him officially a "senior" dog.

There something about those soft brown eyes that look all the more endearing paired with his frosted muzzle.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - July 26, 2017 - "Old, Aged, Elderly"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2017 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Christmas in July

Hubby and Son continue to monopolize the computer.

The best way to get your fix of the boys is still to visit the Flickr stream directly: https://www.flickr.com/photos/bztraining

That said...

Christmas in July
Zachary is not amused

Dog Blog Post #2433

Zachary thinks there's Something Fishy going on with the Jingle Bell collar making an appearance in July.

Could be worse.

I could have pulled out the Caribou antlers.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 2091. "Something Fishy"

Our Daily Challenge - July 24, 2017 - "Bell"

Sleepy Boys
Sleepy Dogs

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2017 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

What's That?

Still not getting much computer time - so we'll skip ahead to today's picture.

As always, everything I would have posted here is available on my Flickr stream (at least a picture a day) including the commentary. :)


What's That?
Henry (thinking) : "What's this?"

Dog Blog Post #2432

Throw It Away? I Can't!

This was almost too easy, as half my house would probably qualify - at least to a confirmed minimalist.

In the end, I went with this little mylar balloon, still full of air 20-something years after my son was born.

Yes, you read that right. He'll finish his Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering at the end of the year.

The little balloon seemed to embody the topic description of "old", "useless", and yet I just can't throw it away.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - July 18, 2017 - "Throw It Way? I Can't!"

Daily Dog Challenge 2085. "Off Centered"

Henry doesn't keep useless stuff. He enjoys his things for a reasonable period of time before destroying them completely.

In his defense, we're mostly talking empty, lightweight boxes, otherwise destined for the recycle bin.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2017 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Monday, July 10, 2017

Collars and Ties

A slow end to a more fruitful week...


Luscious Locks
Sleepy Henry

Luscious Locks
Henry: "Zzzzzz"

Our Daily Challenge - July 6, 2017 - "I wish I had..."

... Henry's Luscious Locks.

Being able to instantly fall asleep like he does wouldn't be bad either.

One minute he's wrestling with Zachary, the next he's snuggled up against me fast asleep.

Clean living and a clean conscience, I suppose.

Or maybe he just avoids caffeine.

Daily Dog Challenge 2076. "Wishful Thinking"

Luscious Locks
Henry's Luscious Locks


The heat was back...

Henry's Biggest Fans
Henry: "There's TWO!"

Henry's Fan (right) and its understudy twin (left).

Yes, the pup has his very own fan.

From the first hint of heat in April/May until it loses its spot to the Christmas tree in December, Henry's Fan whirs steadily, cheerfully, safely - tucked behind a bit of ex-pen in the Living Room.

Henry loves his fan.

This is actually Henry's third fan, for constant use in a fluff-filled environment takes its toll on the best of equipment.

Son's college apartment was having airflow issues a few months back, and so we purchased Henry's Fan's twin, as we've been very happy with this model.

Now back at home, the understudy is being brought up to speed by providing cooling breezes, as needed, in Son's bedroom.

At some future time, when Henry's Fan whines to a shuddering stop, the understudy will be ready to spin into action and save Henry's day.

Truth in Advertising: Uh no, they don't normally have streamers. I just thought they would look cool for the picture. :)

Our Daily Challenge - July 6, 2017 - "This is what summer looks like"

Daily Dog Challenge 2075. "The Dog Days of..."

Henry's Biggest Fans
Henry: "This is the life."

Henry's Biggest Fans
Chill Henry

Henry's Biggest Fans
Fun with slow exposure


Casual Friday 27/52
Applicant Zachary

Casual Friday
Applicant Henry

Dressing appropriately is...

Our Daily Challenge - July 6, 2017 - "Key"

... to any job interview, including wearing your favorite...

Daily Dog Challenge 2074. "Lucky"

... tie.

Aside: I made the collar last weekend. This is my second time with this pattern, which is essentially Simplicity 1727 with minor changes for size (24" neck) and the shape of the collar points (because I like it better this way.)

You saw my first effort in yesterday's "My Fellow Americans" shot.

The tie was made tonight and is mostly based on Simplicity 1482, reworked to make it longer (thank you Son for your good eye on the final length) so I could wrap it around the clip-on-tie hardware I just purchased (10 for $10.)

While the clip-on-tie hardware came with absolutely zero instructions on how to wrap a tie around it, I found an unrelated YouTube video that was more than adequate.

Ten minutes to sew the tie. Twenty minutes to get it wrapped around the clip. But I have to say it was worth it. The guys looked adorable prancing around the house with it on.

Job Applicant
Henry's lighting check - too cute not to post


My Fellow Americans
Zachary: "My fellow Americans..."

My Fellow Americans
Zachary: "... its time for a change."

Zachary may have discovered his true...

Daily Dog Challenge 2073. "Calling"

...: politics.

After all, he's good looking, outgoing, and seems to be loved by one and all.

Cookies in every bowl, free Lacrosse Balls for all, and raising the number of naps per day top his agenda - with a special emphasis on increasing the amount of time we spend walking.

Who knows, this stump speech might be his...

Our Daily Challenge - July 6, 2017 - "Gateway"

... to a career in politics.

(He can't be any worse than the guy we currently have.)

My Fellow Americans
Henry: "My esteemed colleague..."

My Fellow Americans
Henry: "... is absolutely right."

My Fellow Americans
Zachary: (blink)

My Fellow Americans
Thoughtful Henry

At the Podium
Sill life with a "microphone"

Dog Blog Post #2431

See above

Photography Assignment

See above

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2017 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Thursday, July 6, 2017


Another week... more battles lost for the Computer.

Actually, that's not quite fair. I do get time, but it tends to be after 11pm.

So I get the pictures up on Flickr, but that's as far as it goes.

For the record, every shot you see here is memorialized on my Flickr stream - including much of the same commentary:


... and while I might miss a day here and there, it will be FAR more reliable than the blog for the next few weeks or so.

On with the show!


What are you two up to?

Zachary: "Painting the Dog Den."
Henry: "Zachary let me pick the colors."

What fun! Umm... how are you going to hold the brushes?


Lighting Check
Henry: "Anyone for a good game of tug?"

Paint Cans
Still Life with Paint Cans

Am I the only one who thinks this is a bad idea?

Daily Dog Challenge 2072. "Work-A-Holic"

Our Daily Challenge - July 5, 2017 - "Reflection"

Hmm... the cans looked a lot more reflective when they caught my eye in the garage.

I was thinking maybe I should have shot from a lower POV, but the still life version was lower yet didn't come out any better.

Perhaps we'll just call it a "soft" reflection and move on - although the rag is actually reflected quite clearly. Strange.

Aside: Despite Henry's obvious interest, no cookies were used in the making of this shot.

For some reason, he was quite taken with the clean, never used, brushes. Zachary's probably staring at them trying to figure out what the pup finds so fascinating.

4th of July

Golden 4th
Sleepy Zachary

Golden 4th
The Boys (and me - not that you can tell)

I'd planned a lavish display of Red, White, and Blue with flags and ribbons and a spinning flag pinwheel (seriously!)

Then the boys informed me they don't work National Holidays.

Especially ones that cause the neighbors to light off fireworks (illegal around here) from dusk until... well... it's close to midnight and I'm still hearing them from time to time.


So I turned on the TV, flipped channels to stay on marching band music and highlights of various fireworks displays around the nation, and hoped the constant similar sounds would dull the impact of the noises outside.

Thankfully, it worked - and surprisingly quickly.

Here they are, sleeping peacefully through the William Tell Overture - or was it was a Military Band playing Stars and Stripes Forever?

Daily Dog Challenge 2072. "Your Colors"

Pure Gold

Our Daily Challenge - July 4, 2017 - "Who Am I"

Why, a Dog Mom, of course!


Henry, Come!
Henry, come!

Apparently, the time for picture taking had come and gone.

Henry wasn't going anywhere.

Daily Dog Challenge 2070. "Disobedience"


The Elegant Dog 26/52
Zachary - The Elegant Dog

The Elegant Dog
Henry being elegant, too

The Elegant Dog
Mr. Zachary

The boys,...

Daily Dog Challenge 2069. "Fresh"

... from Day Spa, relaxing in their smoking jackets.

Our Daily Challenge - July 2, 2017 - "Stands Out"

Surely a dog in a smoking jacket is at least a little unique.

A dog doing an Oscar Wilde impression?

A photographer who sews her dog a smoking jacket?



The suspense builds

The boys spent the day at the Day Spa, so we decided to surprise them with a Bacon Cheesy Burger upon their return.

Daily Dog Challenge 2068. "Surprise!"


A Prayer For Cookies
Henry: "Bow your head and close your eyes..."
Zachary: "No need. I can't see anything with this hat on."

Henry: "Now we're heading out to sea
A pleasant cruise I hope it be
And when returning to the land
Have Momma there, cookies in hand"

Daily Dog Challenge 2067. "Getting Ready"

Our Daily Challenge - June 29, 2017 - "Ends with 'ain'"

Captain and Chaplain

A Prayer For Cookies
Henry: "Amen!"


City Dog Country Dog
Zachary: "I'm a City Dog."
Henry: "I'm a Country Dog."

Well, technically, you're both Suburban dogs.

City Dog Country Dog
Henry: "Can I still wear the hat?"

So alike, and yet so different.

Zachary is always thinking, always trying to read your mind so as to figure out what you want - or figure out how to get you to give him what he wants.

Or perhaps he's just making plans to run for President in a few years. (Personally, I think he'd make a good one, so long as Congress kept an eye on the National Stockpile of Lacrosse Balls.)

Henry, on the other paw, is a very chill dog, whose mind seems to slip into neutral easily and often.

That's not to say he isn't a smart dog, because he is. When he wants to be.

He's just figured out that good things are going to come his way whether he exerts any effort or not.

So most of the time he'd rather... not.

He knows that sooner or later Momma is going to give him Cookies, and he's content to wait patiently until it happens.

I mean seriously, look at those faces? How could I resist?

Daily Dog Challenge 2066. "Contract"

Our Daily Challenge - June 29, 2017 - "Opposites Attract"

I think the boys complement each other well.

Dog Blog Post #2429

See above

Photography Assignment

See above

City Dog Country Dog
The Boys

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2017 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved