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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Merry Christmas!

'Twas the Night Before
'Twas the Night Before Christmas

Christmas Morning
Christmas Morning

Chill Dogs
The Day After

Dog Blog Post #2447

For some reason, Henry's the star of everything today.

Photography Assignment

As always, click on any image to read the challenge(s).

Henry's Whiskers

Editor's Note:

Getting my planner (and resolutions) set up for the New Year. 

I'm arranging things a bit differently in 2018 to try and get a better shooting/post-processing/rest-of-my-life balance, which hopefully will result in more pictures showing up here - not hard to do, I know.

My goal is to get post-processing time down from what it was (~90 minutes a night!) but Good Camera usage up (it has been practically zero, of late) so... we'll see.

Fingers crossed.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2017 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Monday, December 4, 2017

Still Here!

Yes, we're still here.

Just enjoying a bit of a break.

Still uploading to Flickr - usually on Sunday, plus sporadically during the week.

Still taking a picture a day of the boys.

Deck the Howls?
Deck the Howls?

Mr. Zachary 48/52
Sleepy Mr. Zachary

You know it's getting cold when Henry puts his coat on

Dog Blog Post #2446

Mostly we were busy working on the backyard. Then switched to the front yard. Now we're (trying to) turn out attention to the inside.

Somewhere in there Hubby and I managed to catch a pair of colds. Each.

Oh yeah, and Football.

(football... football... football...)

The Raiders, despite their best efforts, still aren't out of it.

The Niners?

Well, there's always next year.

Looking forward to the Holidays and getting back into the rhythms of taking nightly pictures with the GOOD camera. I just need to figure out how to not spend so much time processing.


Goofy Golden! (Zachary)

Bitey-Face 45/52
.Goofy Golden (again - still Zachary)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2017 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved