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Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Cleaning Up

Henry, how about doing some dusting for me...

Do I have to?

Do I have to?
(tick tock tick tock)


Do I have to?

Do I have to?
(tick tock tick tock)

Dog Blog Post #2449

Swiffer - dusting has never been easier.

Introduced in 1999, it makes dusting almost fun.


Apparently, the boys think otherwise.

The boys' "looking up" pose takes advantage of their rock solid stay coupled with their love of cookies.

I give the stay cue right in front, with cookie in hand, then raise my hand SLOWLY straight up.

They hold their pose like good boys, but their eyes follow the Cookie.

The key is to move slowly. If I move too fast they'll raise their heads.

I like all the shots in the set, but thought the top one showed off the Swiffer the best.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 2254. "Worn Out"

Our Daily Challenge - January 3, 2017 - "Inventions"

118 Pictures in 2018 - #67. "Household Chore"

Do I have to?

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2017 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year 52/52
Watching the Ball Drop

Daily Dog Challenge 2251. "Eat, Drink and Be Merry"

Our Daily Challenge - December 31, 2017 - "Ring(s) or Ringing"

Dog Blog Post #2448

A Tasty Start
Enjoying a few New Year's Day snacks

Yummy Cookies
Canine Cannoli

Yes, those are dog cookies! Canine Cannoli by Tale Bangers, from the local pet store.

Daily Dog Challenge 2252. "Full Circle"

Our Daily Challenge - December 31, 2017 - "Celebrate the Commonplace"

Photography Assignment

On Patrol
Henry on Patrol. For what? I haven't a clue.

Daily Dog Challenge 2253. "Back to Work"

Our Daily Challenge - January 2, 2017 - "Onward"

118 Pictures in 2018 - #31: "Follow the Path"

Tissue Paper
Fun with a Tissue Paper and a Macro Lens

I'm sure I've mentioned it before, but my Nikkor 60mm f/2.8 Macro lens is my favorite for everyday shooting, and the lens I use the vast majority of the time. Don't let the word Macro scare you off (actually, inexplicably, Nikon calls it "Micro"). If you don't want to get up close and personal with things you don't need to, and it works just fine (better than fine!) as a "normal" lens.

The lens of mine that takes the BEST pictures (it's not even close) is the Nikkor 135mm f/2.0, a gorgeous portrait lens that I really should use more often. Alas, I need to be 20 feet away from the boys to get them both in the picture. It's doable, I just need to plan their poses a bit more carefully.

Hmm... I really should break it out for the New Year. Every time I do I wonder why I ever took it off.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2017 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved