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Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Balancing Act

Balancing Act
Steady Boys!

Dog Blog Post #2456

Two Golden Dogs balancing Two Golden Cookies on their nose. (Noses?)

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 2309. "Equal"

118 Pictures in 2018 - #13. "Equal"

I had hoped to make the stacks three high, but balancing Cookies is really hard for Zachary (left).

I've stacked them six high on Henry's nose before - the limit of my own stacking ability, in part due to the lack of symmetry in the Cookies themselves.

Alas, Holding Still (Doing Nothing) is most definitely NOT one of Mr. Zachary's Special Powers, so two Cookies it is.

It's not for lack of trying - you can see in the picture how hard he's concentrating. But try as he might, those Cookie just seem to slip off his muzzle.

Meanwhile, Henry's just sitting there. And will keep sitting there, looking just like that, for pretty much as long as I need to get a shot.

Tip: Stacking Cookie on a single dog is pretty easy. I usually pre-stack on the floor, then pick up the whole stack and set it on the muzzle. Ta-da!

Stacking on two dogs is harder, because they either want to look at the Cookies on each other's muzzles, or they watch me working on the other dog and their muzzles dip.

My solution is to put my left forearm under their muzzles, like a shelf, to keep them even while I'm stacking with my right hand and then step away when I'm done.

100x : 2018 - #19

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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