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Friday, February 23, 2018

Wild Child

Wild Child
Henry: "Arrooooo"

Dog Blog Post #2453

Perhaps I Should Have asked where Henry was going before I said he could go.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - February 23, 2018 - "Perhaps I Should Have"

Daily Dog Challenge 2305. "Movement"

Truth in Advertising: There may once have been a Cookie visible in this image.

This is the third (and probably final) of the "Olympics" collars.

I need to find an appropriate clasp/button for it, although it would obviously be just for show.

This is unlined fleece, hand sewing, turned over an 1" on top and along the front edges. It's solid for about 4" or so, with 1/2" strips cut into the remaining fabric for fringe.

As I was cutting the rest of the strips tonight, I kept thinking about those long strips you see at car washes.

Henry was fine with it until a Cookie fell on the floor, at which time it became a bit of a hinderance.

I suppose I could shorten the fringe, but it's only a problem if he misses the Cookie (eh hem) and we're unlikely to ever repeat this exact shoot again, so I probably won't.

Zachary's shoot was pretty much the same, but a lot more slobbery. :)

See Ya!
Henry: "See ya!"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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  1. This photo is just too great :')

  2. Henry is headed back to the 60s! I like the second photo....places to go.
