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Monday, March 12, 2018

Happy Birthday Zachary!

Happy Birthday Zachary!
Henry: "Night Night Momma"

Dog Blog Post #2464

A Favorite Pastime: Sleeping. Definitely sleeping.

I tried my hand at quilting some years ago.

I found it quite relaxing - a pleasant way to spend an afternoon while watching football.

Well, many afternoons.

This isn't a hobby for the impatient, at least not at the pace I worked at.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 2332. "A Favorite Pastime"

Our Daily Challenge - March 12, 2018 - "Patch or Patched"

Photographer's Note: The boys posed themselves while I was setting up, and since the dog bed is a bit difficult to work with on hardwood floors with two very animated dogs on board (or they would have been had I tried to flip them around) I didn't argue the point.

I probably should have, as it put the quilt (the principle prop) on the far side of the flash.

I'd actually planned to shoot them individually, where I could have had them facing the camera with the quilt wrapping around them and spread out on either side.

Oh well, they prefer being together anyway.

And the Birthday Boy (on the left) is 10 years old today. He'd like you to think he's a Mature Dog, but he's still a puppy at heart.

100x : 2018 - #22

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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  1. Happy Birthday Zachary! You both are adorable. :)

  2. Do you have room for one more? And a very happy birthday to your sweet boy.
