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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Looking Handsome

Handsome Henry

Handsome Henry
Henry with Hat

Henry without Hat

Handsome Zachary

Handsome Zachary
Zachary with Hat

Handsome Zachary
Zachary without Hat

Why a purple hat?

I have fedoras in red, blue, purple, and black (two!).

I like the way the boys look in the black fedora, but as the background is usually black I don't use it as often as I should.

The red is nice, but rather... loud... and needs the right kind of picture.

The blue is pretty hat, but for some reason either the hat or the boys look... off... in color when together.

Which leaves purple.

It shows up great (but not TOO great) against black and goes well with their coats.

Dog Blog Post #2465

Henry, looking Smart in his purple fedora, decked out in his winter coat, showing off an Abundance of fur on his legs, called feathers.

Golden Retrievers have feathers on the backs of their legs, on their belly, and creating that characteristic golden flag of a tail.

Despite my boys being closely related, their coats are surprisingly different.

Henry has the most luxurious fur. I don't call him Luscious Locks for nothing! His coat has some natural wave to it, giving him a bit of a rumpled or bed-head look.

Zachary's coat is almost completely straight, with a just few curls near the nape of his neck. His coat is thinner, his feathers generous but not luxurious, and he doesn't spawn dust bunnies in his wake like Henry does.

Our first golden, Beau, had a much deeper, richer color (see the small image near the top of the right column) which shone like true gold in the sunshine. He had the least amount of coat of the three, being very much wash and wear.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 2334. "Smart"

118 Pictures in 2018 - #48. "Abundance"

Our Daily Challenge - March 13, 2018 - "Birds of a Feather"

Bird Dog, that is.

With feathers. :)

100x : 2018 - #23

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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