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Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Special Delivery

Special Delivery

Dog Blog Post #2460

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 2316. "Small"

Well, THAT didn't work - but I uploaded it anyway to show I at least tried. :)

In fact, I had so many problems with the flashes that I gave up before I even got to the part of making Henry and the figures on the same level.

Or playing with distances to try to get more even focus.

Once I put everything away, it occurred to me that I probably should have switched to controlling the flashes manually, instead of having the camera doing it.

I think the proximity of the LEGO figures was throwing the camera's control of the flashes off.

I've never tried using the flashes in manual - something new I'll have to try... someday.

FWIW: There's a flash 4-5' away diagonally behind and to the left, lighting the figures, and the second flash in its usual spot "lighting" (or not) Henry.

Alas, I couldn't get that flash to fire properly in this setup. Fresh batteries, and then swapping flashes, didn't help - which should have been a Big Red Flag.

Unfortunately, by then I could feel myself growing frustrated.

Since the boys modeling contracts clearly state they only pose for Happy Photographers, we called it a day.

Happy Photographers have Happy Models, and Happy Models make for good pictures.

Anything else is pointless.

Zachary was REALLY happy, since all he had to do was run through his favorite tricks.

Since he performs them with such enthusiasm, it was a great way to end things.

Mr. Henry
In the spotlight

See... the flash was working just fine.


Hello Down There
Hello Down There


Our Daily Challenge - March 5, 2018 - "On The Floor"

What else would you expect to find there?

No, I didn't set out to take a shadow puppets picture, but as I was moving around Henry, trying NOT to get the in shot, I thought... why not?

And then spent even longer trying to get a fun, but reasonable, shadow. :)

Daily Dog Challenge 2315. "From Above"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2018 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you were so frustrated by all the flash/distance problems, but I really like the end results.

    I saw it as the Lego men as the focus, you see they have bones and Henry in the back like a dream or something. I thought it turned out cool.

    I know you didn't get what you wanted, but I thought I'd give you another perspective. :)
