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Monday, April 30, 2018

Leave It!

Leave It!
What a good Henry

Dog Blog Post #2482

Our Daily Challenge - April 30, 2018 - "Do Not Touch"

Alas, just because the Cookie Jar is lying open on the floor, and Cookies are scattered about, doesn't mean you can eat them.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 2371. "Background"


I'm glad I looked at the challenges early in the afternoon.

Having one of the boys not eating a treat was pretty obvious for "Do No Touch", but I admit to being stumped for a while on what to do for a background that would enhance the meaning of the picture.

New Background

New Background

A happy-snappy taken after the shoot was over, to see how a piece of fabric purchased a few hours earlier would look as a background.

(2 yds, on sale for ~$6.50/yd)

The boys were clearly confused at being asked to pose again.

They had already finished their shoots and received their "good job" cookies, but dutifully sat back down when I asked them to.


Well... you can't have everything.

(The fabric is a bit rumpled at this point. It was a happy-snappy after all.)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2018 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Old Friends

Old Friends 17/52
Henry: "Where have you been?"

Dog Blog Post #2481

These are Henry's old Puppy toys. From his point of view I'm sure they've been "lost" for quite a while, then suddenly "found" for today's shoot.

I pull them out once or twice a year as props, and while he's always excited to see them, I'm not sure if that's because he remembers them vs. the usual excitement over rarely seen or new props.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - April 29, 2018 - "Lost Then Found"

Daily Dog Challenge 2370. "Blue"

118 Pictures in 2018 - #42. Why Am I Keeping This

I have no idea why I keep these guys.

If/when we get a puppy we will undoubtedly get all new puppy toys - that's half the fun of getting a baby!

Blame it on my sentimentality, or my being a packrat, or possibly a bit of both.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2018 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, April 25, 2018


A Dog's World
A Dog's World

Dog Blog Post #2481

Zachary, willing the Lacrosse Ball to move.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - April 25, 2018 - "The Power of Positive Thinking"

Daily Dog Challenge 2366. "Statuesque"

Well, he's certainly frozen in place.

It wouldn't surprise me if Zachary's world really was this black and... orange.

As soon as he sees you heading out back he frantically searches for a ball (we keep at least a half-dozen in the house) and then he drops it at your feet every time you stop moving until you relent and toss it across the yard.

Thankfully, he's an excellent retriever and returns promptly, dropping the ball right at your feet again.

Should the ball roll away, or you want it even closer, you can just point at the ground where you want it and Zachary will try again.

Henry is also an excellent retriever, and I think he's better at figuring out where the ball is going to end up when it ricochets off something, he's just not as obsessed about the whole thing.

100x : 2018 - #38

Earth Day

Golden Gardeners 16/52
The Golden Gardeners

Just Because

Fetching Golden
Zachary, doing what Golden Retrievers do best

Hmm... looks like Hubby needs to mow.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2018 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Monday, April 16, 2018

Catching Cookies

Catching Cookies
The boy's got talent

He makes it look so easy.

Zachary rarely misses, and when he does, it's almost always my fault.

Henry actually did pretty well tonight. Alas, the photographer... didn't.

Dog Blog Post #2480

(Syncing post count with what Blogger says the right number should be)

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 2357. "Striking"

118 Pictures in 2018 - #12. Precision

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2018 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Dogs Noir

Henry Noir
Private Detective Henry

Dog Blog Post #2477

Hard to go wrong with a dog in a Fedora as your model.

Henry always reminds me of the world-weary private detective, while Zachary is the by-the-book cop.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - April 15, 2018 - "Grey & Black + A Dash of Light"

Daily Dog Challenge 2356. "Sharp"

118 Pictures in 2018 - #74. Strong Contrast

Zachary Noir
Inspector Zachary

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2018 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Friday, April 13, 2018

This and That

We have This...

Canine Crooners
The Barbershop Quartet (more or less)

... and we have That...

Cookie Spot
Henry in his Cookie Spot

Oh, and the Other Thing is down below!

Dog Blog Post #2476

Click on the images to see the topics (images, as always, are hosted on Flickr.)

Photography Assignment

Big Mouth Zachary (and friend)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2018 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

One of Those Days

The Good Life
Mr. Henry

Dog Blog Post #2475

The boys enjoyed a change of routine earlier in the evening and were still a bit too wound up to put their best into their modeling tonight.

Of course, they were not concerned.

Their Modeling Contract stipulates they get full wages even when the effort is, shall we say, substandard.

No worries, tomorrow dawns another challenge (or two) and a fresh opportunity to redeem their good names.

And more Cookies.

Truth in Advertising: Henry was most definitely NOT serious during this shoot, and I was rather surprised to find this image in the set.

Those darn Cookie Bags were as slippery as could be, and both dogs were quite intrigued by them.

In the end, while I liked Zachary's shot better (also uploaded) because it was a more accurate portrayal of the shoot (sigh) I went with this one because you could sort of see what was in the bags.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - April 10, 2018 - "Purple"

Daily Dog Challenge 2351. "Rich"

Alas, the "golden" bone Cookies weren't nearly as as obvious in the purple bags as I had hoped, and the golden bags were too small to hold them.

Live and learn.

The Good Life
Zachary: "He he he... ho ho ho... snort!"


-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2018 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Waiting for Diner

Waiting For Dinner
Henry... waiting

Dog Blog Post #2474

Where's Staff when you need them?

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 2346. "Symmetry"

Well, I tried.

Zachary's shot was marginally more symmetrical, but as it was practically identical to a shot I took in late February (oops) you get Henry.

Seriously, if I had tried to duplicate Zachary's earlier shot I couldn't have gotten it any closer.

Besides, who doesn't love a picture of Henry?

Our Daily Challenge - April 5, 2018 - "Reflected Selfie"

I'm the (upside-down) baby-blue strip on the side of the dog bowl.

As I was kneeling on the floor, logic says my right hand is on the floor at the top of the bowl, putting my tilted-head at the bottom. That would have my left arm wrapped around my neck, firing the remote over my shoulder at the camera somewhat behind me.

The fact I seem to be pointing over the wrong shoulder is a bit troubling, but then I'm also upside-down so maybe it all works out in the end.

I'm a bit surprised how small I am, since I was close enough to catch the side of my head in a nearly identical shot.

Henry is focused solely on the two little Cookies on the bottom of the otherwise empty dog bowl.

Since he is absolutely certain he's going to get them (and he did - plus more) he'll sit there motionless for - essentially forever - waiting patiently for the good word to eat them.

Yes, the bowl is huge... and shiny... and as I've mentioned before, it's only used as a prop.

The boys Real Bowls heavy ceramic with rainbow paw prints on the side, since they are easy to keep clean and always stay put.

100x : 2018 - #33

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2018 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Hint Hint

Hint Hint
Henry: "Eh hem"

Dog Blog Post #2473

It looks like Henry is trying to tell me something.

I wonder what it could be?

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 2341. "Take A Walk"

100x : 2018 - #32


In the Bag
Cookie Thief

Zachary, where did you get that bag of Cookie Loot from???

Daily Dog Challenge 2340. "Contrast"

Fun with the anti-reflector.

A slider or two may have been pushed in the making of this picture.

Note to self: Next time, make sure the top of the bag is pulled up so it actually looks like a bag. (sigh)

I was thinking of this for 118 Pictures in 2018 - #74. "Strong Contrast", but since it's not that hard of a picture (for the boys) I think I'll let it go for now and see if I can do better later in the year.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2018 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Golden Easter Bunnies

Now let's see a big smile!

Golden Easter Bunnies

Dog Blog Post #2472

Golden Easter Bunnies!

Very rare.

Only seen once a year, for which the boys are eternally grateful.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 2342. "Easter"

118 Pictures in 2018 - #83. "Fantasy Beings / Creatures"

Oh, come on guys, it's not that bad.

Golden Easter Bunnies
(more crickets)

Is it?

Golden Easter Bunnies
(silence is golden... at least it is today)

Don't worry guys, the Bunny Ears are going back into their box for another year.

Truth in Advertising: The boys actually don't mind wearing Bunny Ears.

This was the lighting test shot, and I hadn't pulled out the Cookies yet.

Henry isn't about to put forth posing effort until he's sure I'm ready (read: have Cookies.)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2018 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved