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Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Hint Hint

Hint Hint
Henry: "Eh hem"

Dog Blog Post #2473

It looks like Henry is trying to tell me something.

I wonder what it could be?

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 2341. "Take A Walk"

100x : 2018 - #32


In the Bag
Cookie Thief

Zachary, where did you get that bag of Cookie Loot from???

Daily Dog Challenge 2340. "Contrast"

Fun with the anti-reflector.

A slider or two may have been pushed in the making of this picture.

Note to self: Next time, make sure the top of the bag is pulled up so it actually looks like a bag. (sigh)

I was thinking of this for 118 Pictures in 2018 - #74. "Strong Contrast", but since it's not that hard of a picture (for the boys) I think I'll let it go for now and see if I can do better later in the year.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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