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Thursday, May 17, 2018

Cookie Brigade

Cookie Brigade
Henry the Hypnotist?

Dog Blog Post #2488

How does he get them to do that???

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 2388. "In a Row"

118 Pictures in 2018 - #37. Leading Lines

Henry and the Hedgehog
Henry: "I found it!"

Hubby started teaching Henry a new game.

"Find the Hedgehog"

This is a game we played with Beau when he was growing up as an Only Dog. The rules are simple. Henry stays. Hubby hides the Hedgehog. Henry is released to Find It! Lather, rise, repeat.

Apparently, Henry was enthusiastic about the Hedgehog itself - a new toy for him, but a bit hazy on the fact he needs to LOOK for it.

Don't worry, Henry is a quick learner and I'm sure he'll have it figured out in no time.

After the game was over, we look around for where to put the poor well-slimed critter. Beau's Hedgehog (long ago retired) lived in shoebox, with a hole cut on the end as a "door", high up in the bookcase - well out of reach.

Since the box was also long retired, I suggested we put Hedgehog on a sock (remember that "slimy" bit) up high while we considered our options.

Here's Henry, staring up lovingly at the little guy.

Looks like the start of a beautiful friendship.

Mr. Hedgehog
Mr. Hedgehog

- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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  1. We have one of those hedgehogs. I was laughing at the control for the first picture. That would never have happened here. Those Lego guys wold have experienced an alien Sheltie attack as two girls bounded off to get the cookies.

  2. Henry has all the lego men standing very still.
