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Saturday, July 28, 2018

Happy Birthday Henry!

Happy Birthday Henry! 30/52
Birthday Boy

Dog Blog Post #2498

Eight years ago, today, Henry and his seven brothers (Get it? Henry the Eighth!) and two sisters were welcomed into the world.

His grand entrance went unnoticed by us until we lost our first golden, Beau, quite unexpectedly, three weeks later.

Five weeks after that we brought a bouncing baby Henry home to become Zachary's forever friend.

Henry is as sweet and gentle as can be, wanting nothing more than to be loved (hugged, cuddled, fussed over...)

And Cookies.

Oh, and his fan. The pup has a lot of coat!

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 2458. "Something Special"

118 Pictures in 2018 - #82. Milestone

Our Daily Challenge - July 28, 2018 - "Topless"

The sugar dish that goes with my dishes.

In the 30+ years I've owned it, I'm not sure I've ever used it.

Today it gets to hold a pair of fancy Dog Cookies, and yes, Henry got to eat ONE of them when the shoot was over.

It was the least I could do, as today was Day Spa Day and Henry's Modeling contract stipulates no "posed" shots.

I sure hope I don't hear from Henry's lawyer.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2018 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. Happy Birthday Henry! So glad you came into this world to be part of the family.

    And to share with us!

    To many more..

  2. Happy Birthday, Henry! hows your party? In the pet adoption near me as I work as a volunteer we celebrate the dogs Birthday, together with some pet parent and we play all day and we had fun.
