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Monday, August 6, 2018

Bird Dog Dreams

Bird Dog Dreams?
Bird Dog?

Dog Blog Post #2499

Yes, I had a bit of fun in Photoshop.

Photography Assignment

118 Pictures in 2018 - #80. "Arboreal"

I'd been trying to figure how to get this one without resorting to the obvious.

The tree is a Chinese Pistache, taken with my iPhone. Henry, with my Nikon. Photoshop Elements made one out of two.

Our Daily Challenge - July 30, 2018 - "Crowded"

With leaves!

Daily Dog Challenge 2467. "Double Exposure"


Memory Lane 31/52
Henry and his Puppy Toy



Henry fluff


All Tied Up

I've been doing some much needed household "reorganization" (i.e. "What is this and why do we need it???") so I've been scaling back photography to easy shots when I can, unless the topics inspire me.

Alas, I'm now falling behind my self-imposed schedule to complete the 118 Pictures in 2018 group (of which the top photo is one) so I might have to give it priority for a couple weeks until I get caught back up again.

I have tried for the past... 7?... years to complete all challenges with one or more dog in each picture and have failed miserably each time.

This year I set a schedule of 2-3 pictures per week (2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 3...) but fell behind after we lost Zachary. I now have to take 3 a week until the end of September to get caught up. Totally doable, so long as I do it.

As always, click on any image to read more about it.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2018 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

  1. That's a wonderful collection of photos. Nice effect with the first photo & photoshop. I love Henry's muzzle in "All Tied Up".
    Must be something in the air. I've been spending the last couple weeks tackling boxes of "stuff" taking up space in the spare bedroom & closets. I told my husband I'm tired of having stuff we store for years and never use.
