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Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Modeling for Momma

Puppy vs. Box
New Toy!

Toby is leaving the camera alone (enough) to try for a solo shoot.

Yes, the box entertained him.

Yes, he was about to go down for a nap and so he was a bit slower.

But I still think it counts, don't you?

Don't worry - Henry had a few easy shots to get things rolling (and the camera focused) and got just as many Cookies in the end!

Daily Dog Challenge 2515. "Play Time"

Our Daily Challenge - September 25, 2018 - "Recycling"

Every Amazon delivery comes with a free Dog Toy on the outside!

Glamour Shot
Glamorous Toby

Dog Blog Post #2506

Photography Assignment


Bath Time
Good Puppy

Bath Time
Very Good Puppy

Bath Time
Still a Good Puppy

Daily Dog Challenge 2516 "Soft"

Our Daily Challenge - September 27, 2018 - "Just in Case"

A towel, of course!

Photo Shoots with an 11 week old puppy (10 weeks 6 days) is... interesting.

There is no doubt who is in charge, and it sure the heck isn't me.

The lesson for today is that Henry looks at my face and Toby looks at the food. Hmmmm.

I’d love to say that Toby has a wonderful sit-stay. But seriously, he’s an 11 week old puppy. Rather, Toby knows sitting is heavily rewarded and patience gets you the Cookie (string cheese) faster.

The net result (for my purposes) is pretty much the same. Five to six seconds where I’m not in the picture. Best of all, once I get him where I want him, I can treat him between shots and he’ll stay put.

I’ve also found a good time for him - just before his late afternoon nap - and a good treat (tasty but not TOO tasty).

Bath Time
Done being Good Puppy

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2018 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Thursday, September 20, 2018

What Did You Do?

What Did You Do?
Uncle Henry: "What did you do?"


... just a random shot that made me smile. :)

Dog Blog Post #2505

Puppies are so darned cute

Puppy vs. Hose

Puppy vs. Hose

Puppy vs. Hose

Puppy vs. Hose

Puppy vs. Hose

Puppy vs. Hose

Photography Assignment

Drinking from a hose is harder than it appears!

Not that Toby cares, as he happily stands there and slurps, snaps, and paws at the water on a warm late-summer's day.

His "wading pool" is a plastic storage box, possibly intended for large/long rolls of wrapping paper.

When full, the water comes to just bellow Toby's belly - just right for splashing around in!

After playing in the water, he trots over to a sunny spot of grass and rolls around with obviously puppy delight.

Henry keeps watch but abstains from the frivolity, which suits me fine. While I can dry off Toby in a few minutes with an old dishcloth-sized rag, the same can't be said for the Big Dog!

Daily Dog Challenge 2512. "Not Perfect"

Our Daily Challenge - September 20, 2018 - "Surprise"

Wet Puppy
Super Puppy!

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2018 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Busy Week

The irony of blogging is that when you finally have something to say you often don't have time to say it!

So here's a few "highlights"...

A Good Puppy
We have a winner!

A Good Puppy
Practicing Hats

My Boys 37/52
Getting better

Puppies are Adorable



You Called?

Chew Chew Chew

Toby and Henry


Field Trip
Field Trip!

First Daytime Crating

First Day of School
First Day of School

Puppy vs. ...

Chair Spindle

Water Play







Big Dog / Little Dog

Toby and Henry

Dog Blog Post #2504

Photography Assignment

Somewhere, Zachary is smiling

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2018 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Saturday, September 8, 2018

My Boys

My Boys
Henry and Toby

Dog Blog Post #2402

The first "successful" shoot with both boys - as in, both dogs are reasonably in focus and mostly in the picture.

The biggest difference between today there being a picture and Thursday there wasn't is that today Henry stayed.


It did take a few tries, which is why everything is shifted a bit to the right - I didn't get Henry back in exactly the same spot and I didn't take the time (and risk Henry moving) to recenter the camera.

Toby is still a work in progress, and is "managed" more than cued.

He knows that he needs to sit to get the Kibbles, but the fact I have a whole 1/4c scoop of Kibbles at hand (instead of just a Kibble or two) seems to be more distraction than he can stand at this point.

Next time I will switch to the training fanny pack (worn forward) and "hide" the Kibbles in there and see if that doesn't help.

Baby steps... or is that Puppy steps?

Henry is being a great Great Uncle, and Toby is as sweet as can be.

FWIW: I think Henry heard a noise in the house, which is why his ears are forward and he's gaze is a bit off - but I'll take it!

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - September 8, 2018 - "I'm A Winner"

Toby holding a sit?

Henry holding a stay?

Me getting two dogs in the picture?

Me HAVING two dogs to put in the picture?

The choice is yours!

Photo Shoot Fun

Photo Shoot Fun

Photo Shoot Fun

My Boys
Close.. but no Kibbles. Well, maybe just a few kibbles...

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2018 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Thursday, September 6, 2018

A Star Is Born

A Star Is Born

A Star Is Born
Toby with Hat

A Star Is Born
Toby without Hat

A Star Is Born
What a cutie!

Dog Blog Post #2402

Meet Toby.

He joined our household today at 8 weeks 2 days old, and I'm completely and totally in love with the little guy.

He is curious, playful, snuggly, and still manages to look solemn and dignified - at least when he wants to.

His introduction with Henry was uneventful, and while they still working out the logistics of Big Dog / Little Dog play, they are both obviously interested in making it work.

Today, Toby learned the beginnings of "Sit" (nailed it!) "Leave It" (chewing on my hand doesn't make it open but NOT chewing on it does and you get the kibble inside) and "Down" (did I mention he did great with "Sit" and "Leave it"?)

I spent most the afternoon focusing on Sit-n-Stare, where Toby gets a piece of his kibble every time I notice him sitting in front of me and staring up and me.

He now sits in front of me and stares up at me (and Hubby) a lot!

Henry also learned this on the first day, and to this day it's his default behavior - what he does when he doesn't know what else to do.

It's a really nice default behavior - much better than jumping at my legs and the cupboard doors, which was our starting point.

Today's photoshoot was a chaotic disaster - but Toby had a fun, got his meal of kibble (a few at a time) and (occasionally) showed hints of the star I'm sure he will someday be.

Many thanks to Toby's (and Henry's and Zachary's and Beau's) wonderful breeder - Aubridge Goldens - who practiced "Hats" with the litter a few weeks ago!

Notes to self:
1. Hungry Puppies make terrible models (stupid me - I knew that!)
2. Big Dogs and Little Dogs (together) makes a challenging situation impossible
3. I need to wrangle Hubby into firing the remote for me for a few days!

Daily Dog Challenge 2497. "One Thing"

A purple hat!

118 Pictures in 2018 - #16. "What are you grateful for today?"

My "pack" is once again complete.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2018 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved