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Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Modeling for Momma

Puppy vs. Box
New Toy!

Toby is leaving the camera alone (enough) to try for a solo shoot.

Yes, the box entertained him.

Yes, he was about to go down for a nap and so he was a bit slower.

But I still think it counts, don't you?

Don't worry - Henry had a few easy shots to get things rolling (and the camera focused) and got just as many Cookies in the end!

Daily Dog Challenge 2515. "Play Time"

Our Daily Challenge - September 25, 2018 - "Recycling"

Every Amazon delivery comes with a free Dog Toy on the outside!

Glamour Shot
Glamorous Toby

Dog Blog Post #2506

Photography Assignment


Bath Time
Good Puppy

Bath Time
Very Good Puppy

Bath Time
Still a Good Puppy

Daily Dog Challenge 2516 "Soft"

Our Daily Challenge - September 27, 2018 - "Just in Case"

A towel, of course!

Photo Shoots with an 11 week old puppy (10 weeks 6 days) is... interesting.

There is no doubt who is in charge, and it sure the heck isn't me.

The lesson for today is that Henry looks at my face and Toby looks at the food. Hmmmm.

I’d love to say that Toby has a wonderful sit-stay. But seriously, he’s an 11 week old puppy. Rather, Toby knows sitting is heavily rewarded and patience gets you the Cookie (string cheese) faster.

The net result (for my purposes) is pretty much the same. Five to six seconds where I’m not in the picture. Best of all, once I get him where I want him, I can treat him between shots and he’ll stay put.

I’ve also found a good time for him - just before his late afternoon nap - and a good treat (tasty but not TOO tasty).

Bath Time
Done being Good Puppy

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2018 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

  1. Like the-before-nap-time-approach! Great idea! Looks like it is working out well for Toby and you.

    He and Henry are just adorable. I can't believe how quickly Toby is learning!
