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Saturday, March 23, 2019

You're Never Too Old

You're never too old to cuddle your puppy toys!

You're Never Too Old
Mr. Henry

In this case, Henry, who will turn nine years young this summer, and eight month old Toby...

You're Never Too Old
Mr. Toby

You're Never Too Old
Mr. Toby looking sharp!

Dog Blog Post #2519

FWIW: I'm considering reconstituting my ancient training plans from when Beau/Zachary/Henry were youngsters.

Toby is sharp, but more importantly, he's bored.

Really bored.

And while he enjoys photo shoots - and so do I, so that's not going to change - it doesn't take up nearly enough time.

We'll see. Zachary loved learning things. Henry just wanted the Cookies. I'm thinking Toby is more like Zachary on this one.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 2693. "National Puppy Day"

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 23, 2019 - "Love Never Dies"

119 Pictures in 2019 - #89. "Sentimental"

Love the hat - purchased today for just $3! It's soft, lightweight, breathable, and just the right size.

You can never have to many hats... for your dogs... right? I have a few duplicates (black fedoras and green bowlers come to mind) but for the most part they are unique in some way.

Someday I should count them.

Or not.

100x in 2019 - #20 (Blue Check Fleece -#2)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2018 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Spectral Hounds

Spectral Hound

You can tell Henry hops as spins, the slight hang time with each hop being picked up in the image.

Spectral Hound 9/52

Unlike Henry, Toby spins by twisting. So, no head bobs, but you get a swish instead.

Dog Blog Post #2518

This is always a fun shoot to do.

The boys enjoy the action and the Easy Cookies, and I think the effect is cool!

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - March 2, 2019 - "Otherworldly"

Daily Dog Challenge 2672.

119 Picture in 2019 - #60. "It's all about the light"

This is 1.6s exposure @ f/7.1 with rear flash. The CFL behind the umbrella illuminates for the duration of the exposure with the flash "freezing" Toby at the end.

I worked with Toby off and on all day to teach "spin" for today's shoot.

It's an easy trick to teach, and he's a quick study, the repetition mostly about me being able to cue the trick without getting in the shot.

Truth in advertising: Yes, I did have to clone a few bits of me out. He still needs a big arm signal to complete the turn.

Next time... we'll do better next time.

Such a smart boy!

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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