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Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Cookie Train

Cookie Train

Dog Blog Post #2527

Our Daily Challenge - Jan 15, 2020: "Food Chain"

I was originally thinking of a "chain" (line) of Cookies, but they refused to stand up on their own.

So I recruited the LEGO men to help me out.

If it makes you feel better, think of the dog being higher on the Food Chain than the Cookies.

Or the LEGO men, for that matter.

Work with me here!

I'm sure it will come as surprise to no one, but I did NOT try this shot with Toby. :)

He did give me a nice profile shot, however. Baby steps... photo shoots are fun when taken in baby steps!

Profile of a Golden
Portrait of a Golden

This was actually harder than it looks, as my "Studio" (aka Kitchen) is only a couple feet wider than what you see here, which means I'm flattened against the cabinets leaning over to the side (don't want to block the reflector) waving a Cookie to get Toby's attention.

He stayed. He looked. And there was great rejoicing!

Photography Assignment

120 Pictures in 2020 - #119. "You don't see that everyday"

At least, Henry is probably thinking that.

Daily Dog Challenge 2982. "Waiting"

Henry's patience was well rewarded (and all the LEGO men are safe).

100x : 7

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2020 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. Ingenious of you to use the lego men to hold up the cookies.
    Not only is practicing photos good training for the boys, it keeps you agile having to contort yourself into the perfect picture-taking location.

  2. The cookie train cracked me up! So cute and so hilarious! Henry is true to resistance. Could never do that with my dogs and get a photo. You rock Henry!
