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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year

Gee... I guess it's been a while!

Much has gone on, and yet not much to write about. We've done a fair bit of Home Improvements (mostly in the yard) and long overdue maintenance, and the boys have enjoyed a long sabbatical (and a whole lot of fetch).

If you've been following along on Flickr, you kinda get the idea.

But it's a new year, and so it's back to work!

As always, Flickr (click on image) is always the best place to go to get the latest and "greatest"!

Happy New Year

Dog Blog Post #2521

How come I never get invited???

The boys obviously were somewhere swanky last night. I really must keep better tabs on them.

Henry's too laid back to get into trouble, but Toby? Well... you know teenagers.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Jan 1, 2020: "Beginnings"

We are basically beginning all over again with Toby and Studio Photography.

And while I did manage to get a picture of him wearing a Top Hat, it wasn't pretty. :)

So... the Top Hat is now sitting in the family room, and will make an appearance every time the Cookies come out.

By this time next week, with luck, he'll be begging to wear a hat!

For this shot, we begin with the most basic of costumes - a bow tie.

Daily Dog Challenge 2968. "Let's Go!"

100x in 2020: #1

Editor's Note: -- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2020 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh. You're blogging again. I'm too lazy to check Flicker because I don't use it for anything. The boys are looking fantastic. Toby is looking like a young adult now.
